
Words starting with resorth

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • resorting — to sort or arrange (cards, papers, etc.) again.
  • resorter — a person who frequently goes to recreation resorts.
  • resorted — to sort or arrange (cards, papers, etc.) again.
  • resort — to have recourse for use, help, or accomplishing something, often as a final available option or resource: to resort to war.
  • resort town — a holiday town
  • resort hotel — a hotel in a holiday resort
  • resorcinol — a white, needlelike, water-soluble solid, C 6 H 6 O 2 , a benzene derivative originally obtained from certain resins, now usually synthesized: used chiefly in making dyes, as a reagent, in tanning, in the synthesis of certain resins, and in medicine in treating certain skin conditions; meta-dihydroxybenzene.
  • resorption — the destruction, disappearance, or dissolution of a tissue or part by biochemical activity, as the loss of bone or of tooth dentin.