
Words starting with reserveta

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • reserve a room — If you reserve a room at a hotel, you keep it for a person who is going to arrive on an agreed date.
  • reserve-grade — denoting a sporting team of the second rank in a club
  • reserved — kept in reserve; forming a reserve: a reserve fund; a reserve supply.
  • reserved list — a list of retired naval, army, or air-force officers available for recall to active service in an emergency
  • reserved occupation — in time of war, an occupation from which one will not be called up for military service
  • reserved power — a political power that a constitution reserves exclusively to the jurisdiction of a particular political authority.
  • reserved word — a word in a programming language or computer system that has a fixed meaning and therefore cannot be redefined by a programmer
  • reservedness — kept or set apart for some particular use or purpose.
  • reserves — a part of an army or formation not committed to immediate action in a military engagement
  • reserve team — a second team of a sports club, such as a football club, made up of emerging and young players