
Words starting with poussec

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • pousse-cafe — an after-dinner drink of liqueurs of various colors and specific gravities, carefully poured into a glass so as to remain floating in separate layers.
  • poussette — a dance step in which a couple or several couples dance around the ballroom, holding hands, as in country dances.
  • poussin — Nicolas [nee-kaw-lah] /ni kɔˈlɑ/ (Show IPA), 1594–1655, French painter.
  • pousowdie — any dish containing a number of different ingredients; in particular, a Scottish stew made from sheep's head
  • pousada — a government-operated inn in Portugal.
  • pouringly — in a pouring fashion
  • pour — to send (a liquid, fluid, or anything in loose particles) flowing or falling, as from one container to another, or into, over, or on something: to pour a glass of milk; to pour water on a plant.
  • pour cold water on — If someone pours cold water on a plan or idea, they criticize it so much that people lose their enthusiasm for it.