
6-letter words starting with pa

  • pascinJules [zhyl] /ʒül/ (Show IPA), (Julius Pincas) 1885–1930, French painter, born in Bulgaria.
  • pascua — ˈIsla de (ˈislɑðɛ ) ; ēsˈläthe) Easter Island
  • pasear — to go for a rambling walk or paseo
  • pashka — a rich Russian dessert made of cottage cheese, cream, almonds, currants, etc, set in a special wooden mould and traditionally eaten at Easter
  • pashto — an Indo-European, Iranian language that is the official language of Afghanistan and the chief vernacular of the eastern part of the nation.
  • paskha — an Easter dessert of pot cheese mixed with sugar, butter, cream, raisins, nuts, etc., and pressed into a pyramidal mold: usually served with kulich.
  • pasos2 — version: Alpha parts: Compiler, run-time library author: Willem Jan Withagen <[email protected]> how to get: ftp://ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl/pub/src/pascal/pasos2*. A PASCAL/i386 compiler which generates code for OS/2 and DOS. It uses EMX as DOS extender and GNU/GAS, MASM or TASM as assembler. 1993-12-17
  • passed — having completed the act of passing.
  • passel — a group or lot of indeterminate number: a passel of dignitaries.
  • passer — a person or thing that passes or causes something to pass.
  • passim — so throughout: used especially as a footnote to indicate that a word, phrase, or idea recurs throughout the book being cited.
  • passus — a section or division of a story, poem, etc.; canto.
  • pasted — a mixture of flour and water, often with starch or the like, used for causing paper or other material to adhere to something.
  • pastel — the woad plant.
  • paster — the time gone by: He could remember events far back in the past.
  • pastie — /pay'stee/ An adhesive label designed to be attached to a key on a keyboard to indicate some non-standard character which can be accessed through that key. Pasties are likely to be used in APL environments, where almost every key is associated with a special character. A pastie on the R key, for example, might remind the user that it is used to generate the rho character. The term properly refers to nipple-concealing devices formerly worn by strippers in concession to indecent-exposure laws; compare tits on a keyboard.
  • pastil — a flavored or medicated lozenge; troche.
  • pastis — a yellowish, anise-based liqueur originally made in Marseilles and similar to absinthe but containing no wormwood.
  • pastor — a minister or priest in charge of a church.
  • pastry — a sweet baked food made of dough, especially the shortened paste used for pie crust and the like.
  • pataca — a nickel, silver, or cupronickel coin and monetary unit of Macao, equal to 100 avos.
  • pataka — a building on stilts, used for storing provisions
  • patchy — characterized by or made up of patches.
  • patent — the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years.
  • patera — a shallow ancient Roman bowl used in rituals
  • pathan — Afghan (def 1).
  • pathic — a catamite
  • patho- — disease
  • pathol — pathological
  • pathos — the quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity, or of sympathetic and kindly sorrow or compassion.
  • patier — (of a cross) having arms of equal length, each expanding outward from the center; formée: a cross paty.
  • patina — a film or incrustation, usually green, produced by oxidation on the surface of old bronze and often esteemed as being of ornamental value.
  • patine — patina.
  • patmos — one of the Dodecanese Islands, off the SW coast of Asia Minor: St. John is supposed to have been exiled here (Rev. 1:9). 13 sq. mi. (34 sq. km).
  • patois — a regional form of a language, especially of French, differing from the standard, literary form of the language.
  • patras — Greek Patrai [pah-tre] /ˈpɑ trɛ/ (Show IPA). a seaport in the Peloponnesus, in W Greece, on the Gulf of Patras.
  • patres — dead.
  • patri- — father
  • patrix — a mold of a Linotype for casting right-reading type for use in dry offset.
  • patrol — (of a police officer, soldier, etc.) to pass along a road, beat, etc., or around or through a specified area in order to maintain order and security.
  • patron — (in Mexico and the southwestern U.S.) a boss; employer.
  • patsys — a male given name, form of Patrick.
  • patted — to strike lightly or gently with something flat, as with a paddle or the palm of the hand, usually in order to flatten, smooth, or shape: to pat dough into flat pastry forms.
  • pattée — (of a cross) having triangular arms widening outwards
  • pattenGilbert ("Burt L. Standish") 1866–1945, U.S. writer of adventure stories.
  • patter — to talk glibly or rapidly, especially with little regard to meaning; chatter.
  • pattle — paddle1 (def 11).
  • pattonCharley (Charlie Patton) 1881–1934, U.S. blues guitarist and singer.
  • pattys — a female given name, form of Patience or Patricia.
  • patuca — a river rising in E central Honduras and flowing NE to the Caribbean Sea. About 300 miles (485 km) long.
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