
Words starting with mustardpla

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • mustard — a pungent powder or paste prepared from the seed of the mustard plant, used as a food seasoning or condiment, and medicinally in plasters, poultices, etc.
  • mustard and cress — Mustard and cress is very young mustard plants and cress plants grown together and eaten in salad.
  • mustard family — the plant family Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae), characterized by herbaceous plants having alternate leaves, acrid or pungent juice, clusters of four-petaled flowers, and fruit in the form of a two-parted capsule, and including broccoli, cabbage, candytuft, cauliflower, cress, mustard, radish, sweet alyssum, turnip, and wallflower.
  • mustard gas — an oily liquid, C 4 H 8 Cl 2 S, used as a chemical-warfare gas, blistering the skin and damaging the lungs, often causing blindness and death: introduced by the Germans in World War I.
  • mustard oil — oil expressed from the seed of mustard, used chiefly in making soap.
  • mustard plaster — a black mixture of mustard and rubber placed on a cloth and applied to the skin as a counterirritant.
  • mustards — Plural form of mustard.
  • mustardy — Like mustard.
  • mustard bath — a supposed cure for aches, tired muscles, colds and fevers, consisting of bathing in hot water infused with mustard seeds