
Words starting with linedan

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • lined — a thickness of glue, as between two veneers in a sheet of plywood.
  • linear extrapolation — Statistics, Mathematics. extrapolation using a linear equation to estimate the value of a variable or function outside the tabulated or observed range.
  • linear induction motor — an electric motor in which a movable part moves in a straight line, with power being supplied by a varying magnetic field set up by a fixed part of the system, as a metal rail on the ground.
  • linear independence — (in linear algebra) the property of a set of elements in a vector space in which none of the vectors can be written as a linear combination of the others.
  • linear graph — graph (def 2b).
  • linear function — linear transformation.
  • linear collider — a particle accelerator in which two beams of particles are made to collide
  • linear combination — a sum of products of each quantity times a constant: The expression aX + bY + cZ is a linear combination of X, Y, and Z, where a, b, and c are constants.