
Words starting with lineda

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • lined — a thickness of glue, as between two veneers in a sheet of plywood.
  • linear — of, consisting of, or using lines: linear design.
  • linear b — an ancient system of writing representing a very early form of Greek, deciphered by Michael Ventris chiefly from clay tablets found at Knossos on Crete and at Pylos.
  • linear algebra — the branch of mathematics that deals with general statements of relations, utilizing letters and other symbols to represent specific sets of numbers, values, vectors, etc., in the description of such relations.
  • linear accelerator — an accelerator in which particles are propelled in straight paths by the use of alternating electric voltages that are timed in such a way that the particles receive increasing increments of energy.
  • linear a — an ancient system of writing, not yet deciphered, inscribed on clay tablets, pottery, and other objects found at Minoan sites on Crete and other Greek islands.
  • lineal — being in the direct line, as a descendant or ancestor, or in a direct line, as descent or succession.
  • lineage — the number of printed lines, especially agate lines covered by a magazine article, newspaper advertisement, etc.