
Words starting with himalayanb

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • himalayan balsam — a tall flowering plant, Impatiens glandulifera, brought from Asia to Europe as a garden plant but now growing wild in Europe, especially on river banks. It is considered invasive and environmentally damaging.
  • himalayanthe, a mountain range extending about 1500 miles (2400 km) along the border between India and Tibet. Highest peak, Mt. Everest, 29,028 feet (8848 meters).
  • himalayan guinea pig — a variety of short-haired guinea pig with markings on its nose, ears, and feet
  • himalayan tahr — any of several Old World wild goats of the genus Hemitragus, as H. jemlahicus (Himalayan tahr) introduced into New Zealand, having a long mane and short, stout, recurving horns: most are endangered or threatened in their native regions.
  • himalayathe, a mountain range extending about 1500 miles (2400 km) along the border between India and Tibet. Highest peak, Mt. Everest, 29,028 feet (8848 meters).
  • himalayasthe, a mountain range extending about 1500 miles (2400 km) along the border between India and Tibet. Highest peak, Mt. Everest, 29,028 feet (8848 meters).