
Words starting with grimmslaw

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • grimm — Jakob Ludwig Karl [yah-kop loot-vikh kahrl,, lood-] /ˈyɑ kɒp ˈlut vɪx kɑrl,, ˈlud-/ (Show IPA), 1785–1863, and his brother Wilhelm Karl [vil-helm] /ˈvɪl hɛlm/ (Show IPA) 1786–1859, German philologists and folklorists.
  • grimm's law — the statement of the regular pattern of consonant correspondences presumed to represent changes from Proto-Indo-European to Germanic, according to which voiced aspirated stops became voiced obstruents, voiced unaspirated stops became unvoiced stops, and unvoiced stops became unvoiced fricatives: first formulated in 1820–22 by Jakob Grimm, though the facts had been noted earlier by Rasmus Rask.
  • grimmer — stern and admitting of no appeasement or compromise: grim determination; grim necessity.
  • grimmest — stern and admitting of no appeasement or compromise: grim determination; grim necessity.