
Words starting with garrisontown

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • garrisonWilliam Lloyd, 1805–79, U.S. leader in the abolition movement.
  • garrison cap — overseas cap.
  • garrison finish — the finish of a race, especially a horse race, in which the winner comes from behind to win at the last moment.
  • garrison house — a style of early New England house in which the second floor projects beyond the first.
  • garrison state — a state in which military matters dominate economic and political life.
  • garrisoned — a body of troops stationed in a fortified place.
  • garrisoning — Present participle of garrison.
  • garrisons — Plural form of garrison.
  • garrison life — the life of troops who maintain and guard a military base or fortified place