
Words starting with g-o-v

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • g-code — 1. Johnsson & Augustsson, Chalmers Inst Tech. Intermediate language used by the G-machine, an implementation of graph reduction based on supercombinators. "Efficient Compilation of Lazy Evaluation", T. Johnsson, SIGPLAN Notices 19(6):58-69 (June 1984). 2. A machine-like language for the representation and interpretation of attributed grammars. Used as an intermediate language by the Coco compiler generator. "A Compiler Generator for Microcomputers", P. Rechenberg et al, P-H 1989.
  • g-bell — bell
  • g-7 — the seven major industrialized nations, including the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan, whose leaders and officials convene from time to time to discuss economic and political issues
  • g-8 — the successor to the G-7, composed of the G-7 countries and Russia
  • g-spot — Gräfenberg spot.
  • g-cal — gram calorie(s)