
Words starting with dogke

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • dogcow — /dog'kow/ See Moof.
  • dogfooding — eating one's own dogfood
  • dogwash — /dog'wosh/ (A quip in the "urgency" field of a very optional software change request, ca. 1982. It was something like "Urgency: Wash your dog first") A project of minimal priority, undertaken as an escape from more serious work. Many games and much freeware get written this way, including this dictionary.
  • dogbolt — a type of bolt on a cannon or gun used to secure a cap-square to a trunnion
  • dogsledder — a person who uses a dogsled
  • dogsleep — a feigned or fitful sleep
  • dogtown — a community of prairie dogs
  • doggeries — plural of doggery.
  • dogfood — eating one's own dogfood