
Words starting with crimewri

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • crimeware — (computing) Software that performs or facilitates illegal activities.
  • crimewave — a period of increased criminal activity
  • crimen — a crime
  • crimes passionnels — plural of crime passionnel.
  • crime of passion — a crime, often a murder, committed from passion, esp sexual passion
  • crime fighting — the series of measures and actions taken by the forces of the law to combat crime
  • crimes — Plural form of crime.
  • crimebuster — (chiefly, US, informal) A person, especially a law enforcement officer, who is particularly effective in thwarting criminal activity and in bringing criminals to justice.
  • crimeless — free from crime; innocent
  • crime-buster — a law officer who specializes in fighting large-scale organized crime