
Words starting with belaug

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • belaunde — Fernando [fer-nahn-daw] /fɛrˈnɑn dɔ/ (Show IPA), (Fernando Belaúnde Terry) 1913?–2002, Peruvian architect and statesman: president 1963–68, 1980–85.
  • belaud — to praise highly
  • belau — Palau
  • belarus — a republic in E Europe; part of the medieval Lithuanian and Polish empires before being occupied by Russia; a Soviet republic (1919–91); in 1997 formed a close political and economic union with Russia: mainly low-lying and forested. Languages: Belarussian; Russian. Religion: believers are mostly Christian. Currency: rouble. Capital: Minsk. Pop: 9 625 888 (2013 est). Area: 207 600 sq km (80 134 sq miles)
  • belandre — bilander.
  • belarussian — of, relating to, or characteristic of Belarus, its people, or their language
  • belasco — David1853-1931; U.S. theatrical producer, playwright, & actor
  • belated — A belated action happens later than it should have done.
  • belatedly — coming or being after the customary, useful, or expected time: belated birthday greetings.
  • belaya tserkov — city in WC Ukraine: pop. 204,000