
Words starting with barrierofi

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • barrier — A barrier is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved.
  • barrier beach — a sand ridge that rises slightly above the surface of the sea and runs roughly parallel to the shore, from which it is separated by a lagoon.
  • barrier cream — a cream used to protect the skin, esp the hands, from dirt and from the action of oils or solvents
  • barrier island — a long island, parallel to the coastline, formed from a ridge of sand (barrier beach) thrown up by the waves, that serves the shore as a protective barrier against tidal waves, storms, etc.
  • barrier method — Barrier methods of contraception involve the use of condoms, diaphragms, or other devices that physically prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.
  • barrier of ideas — the representations of objects which certain accounts of perception interpose between the objects themselves and our awareness of them, so that, as critics argue, we can never know whether there is in reality anything which resembles our perceptions
  • barrier-nurse — to tend (infectious patients) in isolation, to prevent the spread of infection
  • barriers — anything built or serving to bar passage, as a railing, fence, or the like: People may pass through the barrier only when their train is announced.
  • barrier reef — a long narrow coral reef near and lying parallel to the shore, separated from it by deep water
  • barrier contraceptive — any form of contraceptive that prevents impregnation by physically preventing the sperm from reaching the egg