
Words starting with andradaes

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • andrada e silva — José Bonifacio de [zhaw-ze baw-nee-fah-syoo di] /ʒɔˈzɛ ˌbɔ niˈfɑ syʊ dɪ/ (Show IPA), 1763–1838, Brazilian statesman and scientist: architect of Brazilian independence.
  • andradite — a yellow, green, or brownish-black garnet that consists of calcium iron silicate and is used as a gemstone. Formula: Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
  • andragogic — the methods or techniques used to teach adults: Many educators believe that the principles of andragogy, as advanced by Malcolm Knowles, have great relevance to adult education; others are not so certain.
  • andragogical — the methods or techniques used to teach adults: Many educators believe that the principles of andragogy, as advanced by Malcolm Knowles, have great relevance to adult education; others are not so certain.
  • andragogy — the methods or techniques used to teach adults: Many educators believe that the principles of andragogy, as advanced by Malcolm Knowles, have great relevance to adult education; others are not so certain.
  • andrassy — Count Gyula (ˈdjulɔ). 1823–90, Hungarian statesman; the first prime minister of Hungary under the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary (1867)