
Words starting with agamenot

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • agamede — a daughter of Augeas noted for her skill at using herbs for healing.
  • agamemnon — a king of Mycenae who led the Greeks at the siege of Troy. On his return home he was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus
  • agamete — a reproductive cell, such as the merozoite of some protozoans, that develops into a new form without fertilization
  • agamoid — resembling an agama
  • agama — any small terrestrial lizard of the genus Agama, which inhabit warm regions of the Old World: family Agamidae
  • agami — a crane-like bird native to northern S America, often partially domesticated and kept with livestock because of its loud cry of alarm, which warns against predators
  • agamogenetic — Of or pertaining to agamogenesis.
  • agamids — Plural form of agamid.
  • agamas — Plural form of agama.
  • agamy — the absence of a rule dictating marriage choices within a social group.