
8-letter words that end in y

  • donnelly — Declan. born 1975, British television presenter, who appears with Antony McPartlin as Ant and Dec
  • doolally — Temporarily deranged or feebleminded.
  • doomsday — the day of the Last Judgment, at the end of the world.
  • dormancy — the state of being dormant.
  • dorsally — of, relating to, or situated at the back, or dorsum.
  • dosology — Posology; the study of dosages of drugs.
  • dotingly — In a doting manner.
  • doughboy — Informal. an American infantryman, especially in World War I.
  • dounreay — the site in N Scotland of a nuclear power station, which contained the world's first fast-breeder reactor (1962–77). A prototype fast-breeder operated from 1974 until 1994: a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant has also operated at the site
  • downplay — to treat or speak of (something) so as to reduce emphasis on its importance, value, strength, etc.: The press has downplayed the president's role in the negotiations.
  • doxology — a hymn or form of words containing an ascription of praise to God.
  • draftily — In a drafty manner.
  • drangway — a narrow lane; passageway
  • draughty — characterized by or admitting currents of air, usually uncomfortable.
  • dreamery — the dream world
  • dreamily — of the nature of or characteristic of dreams; visionary.
  • drearily — causing sadness or gloom.
  • dressily — in a dressy manner
  • driftway — A common road or path for driving cattle.
  • drinkery — barroom; tavern.
  • drip-dry — wash-and-wear.
  • drippily — In a drippy way.
  • drive-by — the action of driving by a specified locality, object, etc.: a drive-by of Nelson's Monument.
  • driveway — a road, especially a private one, leading from a street or other thoroughfare to a building, house, garage, etc.
  • drollery — something whimsically amusing or funny.
  • dropsley — a dish of very small dumplings made from a batter of butter, egg, flour, and seasoning dropped in small pieces into broth.
  • droughty — dry.
  • drowsily — half-asleep; sleepy.
  • drudgery — menial, distasteful, dull, or hard work.
  • du barryComtesse (Marie Jeanne Bécu) 1746–93, mistress of Louis XV.
  • dubinskyDavid, 1892–1982, U.S. labor leader, born in Poland: president of the I.L.G.W.U. 1932–66.
  • dudishly — In a dudish manner.
  • dulcetly — In a dulcet manner.
  • dumosity — the condition of being filled with bushes
  • dung fly — any of various muscid flies of the subfamily Cordilurinae, such as the predatory yellow dung fly (Scatophaga stercoraria), that frequents cowpats to feed and lay its eggs
  • dunleary — a port in E Republic of Ireland, on Dublin Bay. Pop: 24 447 (2002)
  • duopsony — the market condition that exists when there are only two buyers.
  • dyspathy — antipathy.
  • dyspepsy — (archaic) dyspepsia.
  • e galaxy — a type of galaxy having the shape of a spheroid or ellipsoid, rather than a disk.
  • e-piracy — the illegal uploading of digital copies of copyrighted works to a website, or the illegal downloading of such material.
  • each way — If you bet money each way on the result of a horse race or a dog race, you will win some money if the animal you bet on comes first, second, third, or sometimes fourth.
  • earthily — In an earthy manner.
  • earwiggy — having an infestation or a swarm of earwigs
  • easterly — moving, directed, or situated toward the east: an easterly course.
  • eat away — gnaw at, erode
  • ectogeny — the effect of pollination and fertilization on the tissues of a plant
  • effetely — In an effete manner.
  • efficacy — capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness: a remedy of great efficacy.
  • elatedly — In an elated manner.
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