
9-letter words containing ot

  • side-foot — In football, if a player side-foots the ball, they kick it with the side of their foot.
  • siderotic — a disease of the lungs caused by inhaling iron or other metallic particles.
  • sideshoot — a minor shoot growing from the side of a plant's stem
  • silicotic — a person suffering from silicosis
  • sinfjotli — the son of Signy by her brother Sigmund.
  • sky pilot — a member of the clergy, especially a chaplain of the armed forces.
  • sky-pilot — a member of the clergy, especially a chaplain of the armed forces.
  • slap shot — a very powerful, fast-moving shot of the puck on goal made with a full backswing of the stick and an extended follow-through.
  • slingshot — a Y -shaped stick with an elastic strip between the prongs for shooting stones and other small missiles.
  • slow spot — an area where only a relatively slow broadband internet connection service is available
  • slungshot — a weight attached to the end of a cord and used as a weapon
  • smoke pot — a can of chemicals that produces a great quantity of smoke when ignited.
  • smoothest — free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough: smooth wood; a smooth road.
  • smoothish — somewhat or fairly smooth
  • smotherer — a person or thing that smothers
  • snakeroot — any of various plants whose roots have been regarded as a remedy for snakebites, as the herb Aristolochia serpentaria (Virginia snakeroot) having a medicinal rhizome and rootlets, and the white-flowered Polygala senega (Seneca snakeroot) having a medicinal root.
  • snap shot — an informal photograph, especially one taken quickly by a handheld camera.
  • snapshoot — to take a snapshot of (a subject).
  • snotnosed — impudent; insolent; snotty.
  • snow-boot — a boot specially designed for walking in snow
  • soft spot — a weak or vulnerable position, place, condition, etc.: a soft spot in their fortifications; a soft spot in the economy.
  • solothurn — a city in NW Switzerland, on the Aar River: capital of canton of Solothurn.
  • sooterkin — the mythical black afterbirth of Dutch women that was believed to result from their warming themselves on stoves
  • sootflake — a smudge or speck of soot
  • soothfast — based on the truth; true.
  • soothlich — truly
  • sotomayor — ˈSonia (Maria) (ˈsoʊnjə ) ; sōnˈyə) 1954- ; associate justice, U.S. Supreme Court (2009- )
  • sottishly — in a sottish manner
  • sottisier — a collection of jokes
  • southcott — Joanna. 1750–1814, British religious fanatic, who claimed that she would give birth to the second Messiah
  • spaceshot — a launch of a space vehicle beyond the earth's atmosphere.
  • spadefoot — spadefoot toad.
  • splayfoot — a broad, flat foot, especially one turned outward.
  • splotches — a large, irregular spot; blot; stain; blotch.
  • spot card — spot (def 10b).
  • spot cash — an amount of money paid immediately in cash
  • spot fine — penalty paid immediately
  • spot line — a rope or wire hung from a specific place on the gridiron for flying a piece of scenery that could not be flied by the existing battens.
  • spot news — the latest news, reported immediately.
  • spot pass — a pass intentionally directed to a specific place in the court or field instead of a particular receiver, the receiver being expected to arrive at the place at the same time as the ball.
  • spot rate — trading: immediate price
  • spot test — an informal test run without elaborate preparation in order to obtain an immediate sample response.
  • spot-weld — to weld (two pieces of metal) together in a small area or spot by the application of heat and pressure.
  • spotlight — a strong, focused light thrown upon a particular spot, as on a small area of a stage or in a television studio, for making some object, person, or group especially conspicuous.
  • spottable — a rounded mark or stain made by foreign matter, as mud, blood, paint, ink, etc.; a blot or speck.
  • squawroot — a fleshy, leafless plant, Conopholis americana, of the broomrape family, native to eastern North America, having a stout, yellowish, conelike stalk of lipped flowers, and growing in clusters, especially under oaks.
  • stairfoot — the area at the foot of a flight of stairs
  • stegnotic — a medication that is constipating or astringent
  • stenotype — a keyboard machine resembling a typewriter, used in a system of phonetic shorthand.
  • stenotypy — shorthand in which alphabetic letters or types are used to produce shortened forms of words or groups of words.
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