
9-letter words containing ot

  • pterygote — belonging or pertaining to the arthropod subclass Pterygota, comprising the winged insects.
  • pulpotomy — the removal of infected portions of the pulp tissue in a tooth, used as a therapeutic measure to avoid pulpectomy.
  • puppyfoot — the ace of clubs.
  • push shot — Basketball. a shot with one hand from a point relatively distant from the basket, in which a player shoots the ball from shoulder level or above.
  • puss moth — a large pale prominent moth, Cerura vinula, whose larvae feed on willow and poplar, and are bright green with a masklike red head and claspers modified as "tails" that are protruded and raised in a state of alarm: family Notodontidae
  • pussyfoot — to go or move in a stealthy or cautious manner.
  • puttyroot — an American orchid, Aplectrum hyemale, having a slender naked rootstock that produces a leafless stalk with a loose cluster of yellowish-brown flowers.
  • pyothorax — empyema.
  • pyrotoxin — pyrogen.
  • quixotism — (sometimes initial capital letter) quixotic character or practice.
  • quotation — something that is quoted; a passage quoted from a book, speech, etc.: a speech full of quotations from Lincoln's letters.
  • quotative — (linguistics) Form of the complementizer related to the verb say, found in many languages of West Africa and South Asia.
  • quotidian — daily: a quotidian report.
  • quotients — Plural form of quotient.
  • quotition — division by repeated subtraction
  • race riot — a riot resulting from animosity or tensions between racial or ethnic groups.
  • race-riot — a riot resulting from animosity or tensions between racial or ethnic groups.
  • radiothon — an on-the-air radio campaign, often lasting 24 hours or more, designed to raise money for a radio station, charity, the arts, etc., as from listeners phoning in and pledging specific donations, sometimes in exchange for gifts or premiums.
  • rarotonga — one of the Cook Islands, in the S Pacific, 26 sq. mi. (67 sq. km).
  • ravigotte — a cold French sauce or dressing for salad containing mixed chopped herbs such as tarragon and chives
  • redingote — a dress or lightweight coat, usually belted, open along the entire front to reveal a dress or petticoat worn underneath it.
  • reef knot — a square knot used in reefing sails.
  • replotted — a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose: a plot to overthrow the government.
  • requoting — to repeat (a passage, phrase, etc.) from a book, speech, or the like, as by way of authority, illustration, etc.
  • rheotaxis — oriented movement of an organism in response to a current of fluid, especially water.
  • rheotrope — a device that reverses an electric current
  • rhizotomy — the surgical section or cutting of the spinal nerve roots, usually posterior or sensory roots, to eliminate pain.
  • rhotacism — Historical Linguistics. a change of a speech sound, especially (s), to (r), as in the change from Old Latin lases to Latin lares.
  • rhotacize — to change (a sound) to an (r); subject to rhotacism.
  • ring spot — any of various plant diseases caused by a virus or fungus and characterized by concentric rings of discoloration or necrosis on the leaves.
  • riot gear — Riot gear is the special clothing and equipment worn by police officers or soldiers when they have to deal with a riot.
  • riot grrl — a young woman who enjoys feminist punk rock
  • robot arm — A robot arm is a type of robot consisting of parts linked together in the same way as those of a human arm, mounted on a stand.
  • rock boot — a tight-fitting rock-climbing boot with a canvas or suede upper and smooth rubber sole, designed to give good grip on small holds
  • root beer — a carbonated beverage flavored with syrup made from the extracted juices of roots, barks, and herbs that have been fermented with sugar and yeast.
  • root crop — a crop, as beets, turnips, or sweet potatoes, grown for its large and edible undergound parts.
  • root hair — an elongated tubular extension of an epidermal cell of a root, serving to absorb water and minerals from the soil.
  • root knot — a disease of plants, characterized by galls or knots on the roots and stunted growth, caused by any of several nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne.
  • root mode — Synonym with wizard mode or "wheel mode". Like these, it is often generalised to describe privileged states in systems other than operating systems.
  • root node — (mathematics, data)   In a tree, a node with no parents, but which typically has daughters.
  • root sign — the symbol √ placed before a number or quantity to indicate the extraction of a root, esp a square root. The value of a higher root is indicated by a raised digit in front of the symbol, as in 3√
  • root test — the theorem that a given infinite series converges if the n th root of the absolute value of the n th term approaches a limit less than 1 as n increases without bound.
  • root word — basic word form without prefix or suffix
  • rootbound — (of a pot plant) having outgrown its pot, so that the roots are cramped and tangled
  • rootstalk — a rhizome.
  • rootstock — Horticulture. a root and its associated growth buds, used as a stock in plant propagation.
  • rose-root — any of certain perennial mountain plants, as Sedum rosea, Sedum rhodiola, or Rhodiola rosea, so called because the roots smell like roses.
  • rotachute — a device serving the same purpose as a parachute, in which the canopy is replaced by freely revolving rotor blades, used for the delivery of stores or recovery of missiles
  • rotameter — an instrument for measuring the rate of flow of a liquid, consisting of a tapered vertical tube in which a small float is forced upward until its weight balances the fluid force.
  • rotaplane — an aircraft that derives its lift from freely revolving rotor blades
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