
10-letter words containing gr

  • gregarious — fond of the company of others; sociable.
  • gregory iiSaint, died a.d. 731, pope 715–731.
  • gregory iv — died a.d. 844, pope 827–844.
  • gregory ix — (Ugolino di SegniorUgolino of Anagni) c1143–1241, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1227–41.
  • gregory vi — (Johannes Gratianus) died 1048, German ecclesiastic: pope 1045–46.
  • gregory xi — (Pierre Roger de Beaufort) 1330–78, French ecclesiastic: pope 1370–78.
  • gregory xv — (Alessandro Ludovisi) 1554–1623, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1621–23.
  • greisenize — to convert granite to greisen
  • grenadiers — Plural form of grenadier.
  • grenadilla — granadilla.
  • grenadines — a syrup made from pomegranate juice.
  • grenz rays — X-rays of long wavelength produced in a device when electrons are accelerated through 25 kilovolts or less
  • gressorial — adapted for walking, as the feet of some birds.
  • grey alder — a variety of alder (Alnus incana) with grey bark, common in temperate areas of the northern hemisphere
  • grey friar — a Franciscan friar
  • grey heron — a large European heron, Ardea cinerea, with grey wings and back and a long black drooping crest
  • grey nomad — any elderly retired person who spends time travelling around the country in a mobile home
  • grey power — the political, financial, or social influence of elderly people
  • grey sedge — an angler's name for a greyish caddis fly, Odontocerum albicorne, that frequents running water, in which its larvae make cases from grains of sand
  • grey skate — a species of skate, Dipturus batis
  • grey water — household waste water that can be reused for some purposes without purification, e.g. bath water, which can be used to water plants
  • grey whale — a large N Pacific whalebone whale, Eschrichtius glaucus, that is grey or black with white spots and patches: family Eschrichtidae
  • grey-scale — (graphics)   (US "gray-scale") 1. Composed of (discrete) shades of grey. If the pixels of a grey-scale image have N bits, they may take values from zero, representing black up to 2^N-1, representing white with intermediate values representing increasingly light shades of grey. If N=1 the image is not called grey-scale but could be called monochrome. 2. A range of acurately known shades of grey printed out for use in calibrating those shades on a display or printer.
  • grey-state — (of a fabric or material) not yet dyed
  • greyed out — (of a navigation button, menu item, etc on a computer screen) not highlighted, indicating that the function is unavailable at a given time
  • greyheaded — having grey hair
  • greyhounds — Plural form of greyhound.
  • greynvilleSir Richard, Grenville, Sir Richard.
  • gridlocked — Simple past tense and past participle of gridlock.
  • grievances — Plural form of grievance.
  • grievingly — In a grieving manner.
  • grievously — causing grief or great sorrow: grievous news.
  • griffinish — indicative of a griffin, being a newcomer to the Orient
  • griffinism — the quality of having griffinish characteristics, or the condition of being a griffin
  • griffonage — (rare) Careless handwriting; A crude or illegible scrawl.
  • grillework — Alternative spelling of grillwork.
  • grillrooms — Plural form of grillroom.
  • grillsteak — a flat fried cake of minced beef or lamb that is usually grilled from frozen
  • grimaldian — of, relating to, or characteristic of an Upper Paleolithic cultural epoch in northwestern Italy.
  • grimalkins — Plural form of grimalkin.
  • grimlooked — having a grim appearance
  • grind down — make into powder
  • grind rock — whetstone.
  • grindhouse — a burlesque house, especially one providing continuous entertainment at reduced prices.
  • grindingly — In a grinding fashion; in a way that grinds.
  • grindstone — a rotating solid stone wheel used for sharpening, shaping, etc.
  • grinningly — With a grin.
  • grip strip — a strip of wood or metal with shallow teeth fixed to a floor to help hold a carpet in place
  • gripe site — a website through which people can express their contempt for a particular person, organization, pop group, etc
  • grippingly — In a gripping manner.
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