
14-letter words containing e

  • enfant sauvage — a person given to naive, undisciplined, or unpredictable behaviour, largely because of youth and inexperience
  • enforceability — The quality of being enforceable.
  • engine failure — failure to operate by the engine of an aircraft, car, or other vehicle
  • engine trouble — malfunction of a vehicle's engine
  • engler degrees — a scale of measurement of viscosity based on the ratio of the time taken by a particular liquid to flow through a standard orifice to the time taken by water to flow through the same orifice
  • english muffin — crumpet
  • english saddle — a lightweight saddle with a low cantle and pommel and no horn, designed to place the rider's weight forward onto the withers
  • english setter — bird dog
  • english sonnet — a sonnet form developed in 16th-century England and employed by Shakespeare, having the rhyme scheme a b a b c d c d e f e f g g
  • english system — the foot-pound-second system of measurement
  • english walnut — an Asiatic walnut tree (Juglans regia) now grown in Europe and North America
  • enharmonically — (music) Adjectival form of enharmonic.
  • enigmatography — the composing or collection of enigmas
  • enlightenments — Plural form of enlightenment.
  • ensemble piece — a play involving no individual star but several actors whose roles are of equal importance
  • enteric-coated — An enteric-coated tablet is one that is designed to temporarily withstand attack by stomach acid, so that it does not dissolve in the stomach but allows release of the medication in the intestine.
  • enterobacteria — (microbiology) Plural form of enterobacterium.
  • enterocentesis — a procedure that involves puncturing the intestine to withdraw fluid or gas
  • enterogastrone — a hormone liberated by the upper intestinal mucosa when stimulated by fat: reduces peristalsis and secretion in the stomach
  • enteropneustal — relating to enteropneusts
  • enterprisingly — In an enterprising manner.
  • entertainingly — In an entertaining manner.
  • entertainments — Plural form of entertainment.
  • enthusiastical — (obsolete) enthusiastic.
  • envenomization — the introduction of poison into a body
  • epenthetically — In an epenthetic manner; by means of epenthesis.
  • epexegetically — In an epexegetic manner.
  • ephemeral port — (networking)   A TCP or UDP port number that is automatically allocated from a predefined range by the TCP/IP stack software, typically to provide the port for the client end of a client-server communication.
  • ephemeris time — time that is based on the orbit of the earth around the sun rather than the axial rotation of the earth, one ephemeris second being 1⁄31 556 925.9747 of the tropical year 1900. It was used from 1960 to 1983 as an astronomical timescale but has been replaced by terrestrial dynamical time and barycentric dynamic time
  • ephemeropteran — of or relating to the Ephemeroptera
  • epicontinental — Denoting those areas of sea or ocean overlying the continental shelf.
  • epidemiologist — A scientist (often a medical doctor) who specializes in epidemiology.
  • epigenetically — By means of, or in terms of, epigenesis or epigenetics.
  • epigrammatical — Pertaining to, or in the form of, an epigram.
  • epigrammatized — Simple past tense and past participle of epigrammatize.
  • epigrammatizer — someone who epigrammatizes
  • epistemologies — Plural form of epistemology.
  • epistemologist — A person, especially a philosopher, who studies theory of knowledge.
  • epistolography — the art, or practice, of letter-writing
  • epithelialized — Simple past tense and past participle of epithelialize.
  • epithelisation — Alternative form of epithelization.
  • epithelization — Alternative form of epithelialization.
  • epitrachelions — Plural form of epitrachelion.
  • epizootiologic — relating to epizootiology
  • equiangularity — the state of being equiangular
  • equilibristics — Any of various circus skills involving balance or equilibrium, such as juggling, tightrope walking, or riding a unicycle.
  • equiponderance — The state of being equal in weight; equipoise.
  • equiponderancy — Archaic form of equiponderance.
  • equiponderated — Simple past tense and past participle of equiponderate.
  • equity account — An equity account is an account recording ownership interests in a company.
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