
14-letter words containing e

  • ectrodactylism — the congenital absence of part or all of one or more fingers or toes.
  • edaphic climax — a localized climax community that may differ from the surrounding climax vegetation by reason of slightly differing soil type, exposure to sun and wind, drainage, etc.
  • edgar atheling — ?1050–?1125, grandson of Edmund II; Anglo-Saxon pretender to the English throne in 1066
  • edging lobelia — a trailing lobelia, Lobelia erinus, of southern Africa, having loose clusters of blue flowers.
  • editorializing — Present participle of editorialize.
  • edriophthalmic — edriophthalmous
  • educated guess — informed estimate
  • education page — a page in a newspaper devoted to news relating to education or teaching
  • educationalist — a specialist in the theory and methods of education.
  • edward yourdon — (person)   A software engineering consultant, widely known as the developer of the "Yourdon method" of structured systems analysis and design, as well as the co-developer of the Coad/Yourdon method of object-oriented analysis and design. He is also the editor of three software journals - American Programmer, Guerrilla Programmer, and Application Development Strategies - that analyse software technology trends and products in the United States and several other countries around the world. Ed Yourdon received a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from MIT, and has done graduate work at MIT and at the Polytechnic Institute of New York. He has been appointed an Honorary Professor of Information Technology at Universidad CAECE in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has received numerous honors and awards from other universities and professional societies around the world. He has worked in the computer industry for 30 years, including positions with DEC and General Electric. Earlier in his career, he worked on over 25 different mainframe computers, and was involved in a number of pioneering computer projects involving time-sharing and virtual memory. In 1974, he founded the consulting firm, Yourdon, Inc.. He is currently immersed in research in new developments in software engineering, such as object-oriented software development and system dynamics modelling. Ed Yourdon is the author of over 200 technical articles; he has also written 19 computer books, including a novel on computer crime and a book for the general public entitled Nations At Risk. His most recent books are Object-Oriented Systems Development (1994), Decline and Fall of the American Programmer (1992), Object-Oriented Design (1991), and Object-Oriented Analysis (1990). Several of his books have been translated into Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch, French, German, and other languages, and his articles have appeared in virtually all of the major computer journals. He is a regular keynote speaker at major computer conferences around the world, and serves as the conference Chairman for Digital Consulting's SOFTWARE WORLD conference. He was an advisor to Technology Transfer's research project on software industry opportunities in the former Soviet Union, and a member of the expert advisory panel on CASE acquisition for the U.S. Department of Defense. Mr. Yourdon was born on a small planet at the edge of one of the distant red-shifted galaxies. He now lives in the Center of the Universe (New York City) with his wife, three children, and nine Macintosh computers, all of which are linked together through an Appletalk network.
  • effective dose — the amount of a drug, or level of radiation exposure, that is sufficient to achieve the desired clinical improvement.
  • effervescently — effervescing; bubbling.
  • effort bargain — a bargain in which the reward to an employee is based on the effort that the employee puts in
  • effortlessness — The state of being effortless; facility.
  • egalitarianism — belief in the equality of all people, especially in political, social, or economic life.
  • eggshell paint — paint that has a slight sheen
  • eggshell white — a yellowish white colour
  • ego psychology — the study of the adaptive and mediating functions of the ego and their role in personality development and emotional disorder
  • egocentrically — In an egocentric manner.
  • eigenfrequency — One of the natural resonant frequencies of a system.
  • eightsome reel — a Scottish dance for eight people
  • einstein shift — a small displacement towards the red in the spectra, caused by the interaction between the radiation and the gravitational field of a massive body, such as the sun
  • elastic tissue — a connective tissue consisting largely of yellow, elastic fibers, occurring especially in the walls of arteries and veins
  • elder brethren — the senior members of the governing body of Trinity House
  • elected member — person voted in as a member
  • election night — the evening when the votes from an election are being counted
  • electioneering — Campaigning for elective office on behalf of oneself or another candidate.
  • electoral roll — list of registered voters
  • electoral vote — the number of electors that each state or federal district is allowed to have
  • electric chair — execution apparatus
  • electric fence — a fence with an electric current in it, typically used to keep cattle in a field
  • electric field — a field of force surrounding a charged particle within which another charged particle experiences a force
  • electric light — a light powered by electricity
  • electric mixer — a device for mixing ingredients which is powered by electricity
  • electric motor — a device that converts electrical energy to mechanical torque
  • electric organ — a pipe organ operated by electrical means
  • electric piano — a piano operated by electrical means
  • electric razor — an electrically powered implement for shaving, having reciprocating or rotating blades behind a fine metal comb or pierced foil
  • electric shock — electric current entering the body
  • electric storm — a violent atmospheric disturbance in which the air is highly charged with static electricity, causing a storm
  • electrifyingly — In an electrifying manner.
  • electrobiology — (physics, biology) The study of the production and use of electricity by biological organisms.
  • electrocaloric — (physics) Describing the effect of an applied electric field on the temperature of some materials.
  • electrocautery — Cautery using a needle or other instrument that is electrically heated.
  • electrochemist — A person who studies or is expert in electrochemistry.
  • electroculture — the practice of using electricity in agriculture or horticulture in order to stimulate plant growth
  • electrocutions — Plural form of electrocution.
  • electrodeposit — To deposit by means of electrodeposition.
  • electrodynamic — (physics) that involves the movement of electric charges.
  • electrofishing — the practice of catching fish by stunning them with electric current or by attracting them through the use of electricity
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