
14-letter words containing e

  • maldevelopment — malformation
  • male menopause — a malaise that allegedly affects men in middle age and is said to be responsible for periods of emotional upset and uncharacteristic behavior.
  • male-dominated — with men in control
  • male-to-female — noting or relating to a person who was born male but whose gender identity and gender expression is female.
  • malefactresses — a woman who violates the law or does evil.
  • malleable iron — malleable cast iron.
  • malnourishment — Malnutrition, undernourishment.
  • malodorousness — The state or condition of being malodorous.
  • malpighiaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Malpighiaceae, a family of tropical plants many of which are lianas
  • mammary artery — any of several arteries that distribute blood to the muscles and organs of the thorax: used as a replacement artery in coronary bypass surgery.
  • man management — Man management involves controlling and organizing the people who work in a business or organization.
  • man of destiny — epithet of Napoleon I.
  • man of galilee — Jesus.
  • man of letters — highly educated man
  • man-made fibre — a type of fibre that is made artificially, such as polyester or rayon, rather than occurring naturally, like cotton or wool
  • manageableness — The state of being manageable; tractableness; docility.
  • managed forest — a sustainable forest in which usually at least one tree is planted for every tree felled
  • mandelbrot set — (mathematics, graphics)   (After its discoverer, Benoit Mandelbrot) The set of all complex numbers c such that | z[N] | < 2 for arbitrarily large values of N, where z[0] = 0 z[n+1] = z[n]^2 + c The Mandelbrot set is usually displayed as an Argand diagram, giving each point a colour which depends on the largest N for which | z[N] | < 2, up to some maximum N which is used for the points in the set (for which N is infinite). These points are traditionally coloured black. The Mandelbrot set is the best known example of a fractal - it includes smaller versions of itself which can be explored to arbitrary levels of detail.
  • mandibulectomy — (surgery) excision of the mandible.
  • manganese spar — Mineralogy. rhodonite or rhodochrosite.
  • mangold-wurzel — mangel-wurzel.
  • mangrove swamp — a coastal marine swamp of tropical or subtropical regions that is dominated by mangrove trees.
  • manic disorder — a type of affective disorder characterized by euphoric mood, excessive activity and talkativeness, impaired judgment, and sometimes psychotic symptoms, as grandiose delusions.
  • manifestations — An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, esp. a theory or an abstract idea.
  • manipulatively — influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one’s own purposes: a manipulative boss.
  • manitoba maple — a Canadian fast-growing variety of maple
  • mannerlessness — The state or condition of being mannerless.
  • manometrically — Using a manometer.
  • manslaughterer — (legal) Someone who commits manslaughter.
  • manual testing — (testing)   That part of software testing that requires human input, analysis, or evaluation.
  • manuel noriegaManuel Antonio, born 1934, military leader of Panama 1983–89: captured by U.S. forces and sentenced to prison for drug trafficking 1992.
  • manufacturable — the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale: the manufacture of television sets.
  • map projection — a projecting or protruding part. Synonyms: overhang, protrusion, jut.
  • maraging steel — a low-carbon steel that has been heated and quenched to form martensite: contains up to 25 percent nickel.
  • marasca cherry — the red acid-tasting fruit of the marasca tree, from which maraschino is made
  • marble orchard — cemetery.
  • march fracture — a hairline crack in a bone, especially of a foot or leg, caused by repeated or prolonged stress and often occurring in runners, dancers, and soldiers (march fracture)
  • marcus regulus — Marcus Atilius [uh-til-ee-uh s] /əˈtɪl i əs/ (Show IPA), died 250? b.c, Roman general.
  • mare acidalium — (Sea of Venus) an area in the northern hemisphere of Mars, appearing as a dark region when viewed telescopically from the earth.
  • mare cimmerium — (Cimmerian Sea) an area in the southern hemisphere of Mars, appearing as a dark region when viewed telescopically from the earth.
  • mare tyrrhenum — (Tyrrhenian Sea) an area in the southern hemisphere of Mars, appearing as a dark region when viewed telescopically from the earth.
  • margaret brentMargaret, 1600?–1671? U.S. colonial landowner, born in England: regarded as an early feminist.
  • margaritaceous — resembling mother-of-pearl; pearly.
  • mariana trench — a depression in the ocean floor of the Pacific, S and W of the Mariana Islands: site of greatest known depth of any ocean. 36,201 feet (11,034 meters) deep.
  • marine biology — science of sea life
  • marine geology — the branch of geology dealing with the rocks, sediments, and processes of the floors and margins of the oceans.
  • marine railway — a railway having a rolling cradle for hauling ships out of water onto land and returning them.
  • marine science — the branch of science concerned with the sea
  • mariotte's law — Boyle's law.
  • mark-to-market — denoting a system that values assets according to their current market price
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