
14-letter words containing e

  • liver chestnut — chestnut (def 9).
  • livery company — a distinctive uniform, badge, or device formerly provided by someone of rank or title for his retainers, as in time of war.
  • living bandage — a method of treating severe burns or other skin injuries in which cultured cells grown from a sample of the patient's own skin are applied to the wound in order to stimulate new cell growth and avoid problems of graft rejection
  • living picture — tableau (def 3).
  • llano estacado — a large plateau in the SW United States, in W Texas and SE New Mexico: cattle-grazing region. About 1000–5000 feet (300–1500 meters) above sea level.
  • lleras camargo — Alberto [ahl-ver-taw] /ɑlˈvɛr tɔ/ (Show IPA), 1906–89, Colombian journalist, writer, and political leader: president 1945–46, 1958–62.
  • load-line mark — any of various marks by which the allowable loading and the load line at load displacement are established for a merchant vessel; a load line.
  • loan agreement — an agreement on the terms of a loan
  • loan guarantee — an undertaking by a government to pay a debt if the borrower defaults
  • loan repayment — a repayment of part of a loan, usually monthly
  • lobelia family — the plant family Lobeliaceae (sometimes considered a subfamily, Lobelioideae, of the Campanulaceae, or bellflower family), typified by usually herbaceous plants having milky sap, simple alternate leaves, irregular two-lipped flowers, and fruit in the form of a capsule or berry, and including the cardinal flower, Indian tobacco, and lobelia.
  • local election — an election to select members for a local council
  • local preacher — (in early Methodism) a layperson appointed to supervise the congregation and conduct services between visits of a circuit rider.
  • local variable — (programming)   A variable with lexical scope, i.e. one which only exists in some particular part of the source code, typically within a block or a function or procedure body. This contrasts with a global variable, which is defined throughout the whole program. Code is easier to understand and modify when the scope of variables is as small as possible because it is easier to see how the variable is set and used. Code containing global variables is harder to modify because its behaviour may depend on and affect other sections of code that refer to that variable.
  • locker-lampsonFrederick (Frederick Locker) 1821–95, English poet.
  • locking pliers — pliers whose jaws are connected at a sliding pivot, permitting them to be temporarily locked in a fixed position for ease in grasping and turning nuts.
  • lodgepole pine — a tall, narrow, slow-growing coniferous tree, Pinus contorta, of western North America, having egg-shaped cones that remain closed for years.
  • logic emulator — A system of FPGAs, programmable interconnect and software which automatically configures itself into an operating prototype of a large-scale logic design, such as a microprocessor. An emulated design can be connected into the target system and really operated and tested before the design is made into an integrated circuit.
  • logic variable — (programming)   A variable in a logic programming language which is initially undefined ("unbound") but may get bound to a value or another logic variable during unification of the containing clause with the current goal. The value to which it is bound may contain other variables which may themselves be bound or unbound. For example, when unifying the clause sad(X) :- computer(X, ibmpc). with the goal sad(billgates). the variable X will become bound to the atom "billgates" yielding the new subgoal "computer(billgates, ibmpc)".
  • logistic curve — a curve, shaped like a letter S , defined as an exponential function and used to model various forms of growth.
  • lombard street — a street in London, England: a financial center.
  • long underwear — a close-fitting, usually knitted undergarment with legs reaching to the ankles, as a union suit, worn as protection against the cold.
  • long-eared owl — a mottled-gray owl, Asio otus, of the Northern Hemisphere, having a long tuft on each side of the head.
  • long-forgotten — belonging to the past; no longer remembered
  • long-neck clam — soft-shell clam.
  • long-suffering — enduring injury, trouble, or provocation long and patiently.
  • long-term care — continuing help and attention
  • longcase clock — tall freestanding timepiece
  • longevity risk — Longevity risk is the potential risk attached to the increasing life expectancy of policyholders, which can result in higher than expected payouts for insurance companies.
  • longleat house — an Elizabethan mansion near Warminster in Wiltshire, built (from 1568) by Robert Smythson for Sir John Thynne; the grounds, landscaped by Capability Brown, now contain a famous safari park
  • longshorewoman — a woman employed on the wharves of a port, as in loading and unloading vessels.
  • loophole frame — a frame in the opening of a wall enclosing a window and some other opening.
  • loose sentence — a sentence that does not end with the completion of its main clause, but continues with one or more subordinate clauses or other modifiers.
  • lopez de ayala — Pedro [pe-th raw] /ˈpɛ ðrɔ/ (Show IPA), 1332–1407, Spanish writer and statesman.
  • lopping shears — long-handled pruning shears.
  • loquaciousness — talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous: a loquacious dinner guest.
  • lord baltimoreDavid, born 1938, U.S. microbiologist: Nobel Prize in Medicine 1975.
  • lord of appeal — one of several judges appointed to assist the House of Lords in hearing appeals
  • lord protector — protector (def 2b).
  • lords temporal — a member of the House of Lords who is not a member of the clergy.
  • lorraine cross — cross of Lorraine.
  • lose one's rag — If you lose your rag, you suddenly become so angry that you are not in control of yourself.
  • lose one's way — If you lose your way, you become lost when you are trying to go somewhere.
  • lot-et-garonne — a department in SW France. 2079 sq. mi. (5385 sq. km). Capital: Agen.
  • lothian region — a former local government region in SE central Scotland, formed in 1975 from East Lothian, most of Midlothian, and West Lothian; replaced in 1996 by the council areas of East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian, and Edinburgh
  • loud and clear — loudly and clearly
  • louis napoleon — (Louis Napoleon; Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte) [loo-ee;; French lwee] /ˈlu i;; French lwi/ (Show IPA), 1808–73, president of France 1848–52, emperor of France 1852–70 (nephew of Napoleon I).
  • louis philippe — ("Citizen King") 1773–1850, king of France 1830–48.
  • louis quatorze — noting or pertaining to the style of architecture, furnishings, and decoration prevailing in France in the late 17th century, characterized by increasingly classicizing tendencies, and by an emphasis on dignity rather than comfort.
  • love-in-a-mist — a plant, Nigella damascena, of the buttercup family, having feathery dissected leaves and whitish or blue flowers.
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