
11-letter words containing al

  • cephalocele — a protrusion of the brain or cranial matter through an opening in the skull
  • cephalogram — An X-ray of the craniofacial area.
  • cephalopode — Archaic form of cephalopod.
  • cephalopods — Plural form of cephalopod.
  • cephalothin — a cephalosporin antibiotic often used in the treatment of bacterial infections
  • cephalotomy — the dissection of the head
  • cerebralism — the theory that physical phenomena arise from the action of the brain
  • cerebralist — a person that advocates the theory of cerebralism
  • ceremonials — Plural form of ceremonial.
  • cervicalgia — Neck pain.
  • chain coral — coral of the extinct genus Halysites, from the Ordovician and Silurian periods, consisting of oval, laterally compressed corallites united to form a chainlike structure.
  • chalazogamy — (of plants) the process of fertilization whereby the pollen tube penetrates the embryosac through the chalaza rather than through the micropyle
  • chalcedonic — Of or pertaining to chalcedony.
  • chalcedonyx — a variety of chalcedony characterized by alternate stripes of black and white
  • chalcidicum — an annex of an ancient Roman basilica.
  • chalcophile — (of a chemical element in the earth) having an affinity for sulfur.
  • chaleur bay — an inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence between NE New Brunswick and SE Quebec, in SE Canada: rich fishing ground. About 85 miles (135 km) long; 15–25 miles (24–40 km) wide.
  • chalkboards — Plural form of chalkboard.
  • chalkstones — Plural form of chalkstone.
  • chalkstripe — clothing with a pattern of thin white stripes on a dark background
  • challengers — Plural form of challenger.
  • challenging — A challenging task or job requires great effort and determination.
  • chaotically — completely confused or disordered: a chaotic mass of books and papers.
  • chaptalized — Simple past tense and past participle of chaptalize.
  • check valve — a valve that closes by fluid pressure to prevent return flow
  • cherry coal — a type of bituminous coal that burns readily and gives a hot fire.
  • chippendale — Chippendale is a style of furniture from the eighteenth century.
  • chirurgical — relating to, carrying out or expert in surgery
  • choirstalls — fixed seats in the choir of a church, generally of carved wood
  • choledochal — Related to the bile duct.
  • choplogical — (rare) Characterized by equivocation or by overly complex or specious argumentation; improperly reasoned.
  • chordotonal — (of an insect) responsive to sound vibrations, as certain organs or parts.
  • chrome alum — a violet-red crystalline substance, used as a mordant in dyeing. Formula: KCr(SO4)2.12H2O
  • chromosomal — Chromosomal means relating to or connected with chromosomes.
  • chronically — constant; habitual; inveterate: a chronic liar.
  • chrysalidal — relating to a chrysalis or stage in the development of an insect
  • chrysalides — the hard-shelled pupa of a moth or butterfly; an obtect pupa.
  • chrysalises — Plural form of chrysalis.
  • chuckwallas — Plural form of chuckwalla.
  • chugalugged — Simple past tense and past participle of chugalug.
  • chum salmon — a large salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) with pale flesh, found in the N Pacific
  • church hall — a building near to or attached to a church suitable for social gatherings
  • cicatricial — Physiology. new tissue that forms over a wound and later contracts into a scar.
  • cinematical — Of or pertaining to the cinema; cinematic.
  • circumbasal — surrounding the base.
  • citronellal — a colourless slightly water-soluble liquid with a lemon-like odour, a terpene aldehyde found esp in citronella and certain eucalyptus oils: used as a flavouring and in soaps and perfumes. Formula: (CH3)2C:CH(CH2)2CH(CH3)CH2CHO
  • ciudad real — a market town in S central Spain. Pop: 65 703 (2003 est)
  • clack valve — a simple nonreturn valve using either a hinged flap or a ball
  • clamatorial — of or relating to the American flycatchers (family Tyrannidae)
  • classically — Someone who has been classically trained in something such as art, music, or ballet has learned the traditional skills and methods of that subject.
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