
16-letter words containing y, n

  • voluntary worker — a person who serves or acts in a specified function of their own accord and without compulsion or promise of remuneration
  • welfare payments — government benefits
  • well-baby clinic — a health-service clinic for preventive monitoring, health education and advice for parents of babies
  • what do you know — People sometimes say 'What do you know!' when they are very surprised about something.
  • whole nine yards — a common unit of linear measure in English-speaking countries, equal to 3 feet or 36 inches, and equivalent to 0.9144 meter.
  • wild honeysuckle — pinxter flower.
  • william mckinleyWilliam, 1843–1901, 25th president of the U.S. 1897–1901.
  • windows registry — (operating system)   The database used by Microsoft Windows 95 and later to store all sorts of configuration information such as which program should be used to open a .doc file, DLL registration information, application-specific settings and much more. The Registry is stored in .dat files, one in the user's profile containing their per-user settings and one in the Windows directory containing settings that are global to all users. These are loaded into memory at login. The loaded data appears as a tree with five main branches: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT defines file types and actions, HKEY_CURRENT_USER is an alias for one of the sub-trees of HKEY_USERS and contains user settings that override the global defaults in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The branches of the tree are called "keys" and are identified by paths like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion. Any node in the tree can have zero or more "values" which are actually bindings of a name and a value, e.g. "Logon User Name" = "Denis". The value can be of type string, binary, dword (long integer), multi-string value or expandable string value. Windows includes a Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
  • windy conditions — weather in which there are strong winds
  • without ceremony — in a casual or informal manner
  • woody nightshade — bittersweet (def 3).
  • woolly manzanita — a tree or shrub, Arctostaphylos tomentosa, of the heath family, common from British Columbia to California, having broad leaves, with the underside covered with white hairs, and white flowers.
  • x-ray technician — a technician who specializes in taking and processing x-rays, especially in a hospital or clinic.
  • yablonovyy range — a mountain range in the SE Russian Federation in Asia, E of Lake Baikal.
  • yachting regatta — a sailing competition
  • yellow archangel — a Eurasian herbaceous plant (Lamiastrum luteum) that has yellow helmet-shaped flowers: family Lamiaceae (labiates)
  • yellow pimpernel — Lysimachia nemorum
  • yellow poinciana — royal poinciana.
  • yellow underwing — any of several species of noctuid moths (Noctua and Anarta species), the hind wings of which are yellow with a black bar
  • yellowfin (tuna) — a tuna (Thunnus albacares) with yellow fins and a yellow stripe on each side, important as a game and food fish and found worldwide in warm seas
  • yellowstone lake — a lake in NW Wyoming, in Yellowstone National Park. 20 miles (32 km) long; 140 sq. mi. (363 sq. km).
  • yeoman's service — good, useful, or workmanlike service: His trusty sword did him yeoman's service.
  • yet another yacc — (tool)   (Yay) An extension of Yacc with LALR2 parsing. Yay is available from Bull as part of the University of Waterloo Tools package maintained by <[email protected]>.
  • yield management — the process of frequently adjusting the price of a product in response to various market factors, as demand or competition.
  • zygosporangium's — a sporangium that bears a zygospore.
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