
16-letter words containing y, n

  • reserve currency — any currency, as the U.S. dollar, used as a medium to settle international debts.
  • restriction play — a limited number of opening moves that are predetermined by their chance selection from an accepted list.
  • retail analytics — Retail analytics is any information that allows retailers to make smarter decisions and manage their businesses more effectively.
  • return on equity — the amount of profit computed by dividing net income before taxes less preferred dividends by the value of stockholders' equity, usually expressed as a percentage. Abbreviation: ROE.
  • reverse snobbery — a person overly proud of being one of or sympathetic to the common people, and who denigrates or shuns those of superior ability, education, social standing, etc.
  • rhinolaryngology — the branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the nose and larynx
  • rhinopharyngitis — inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx.
  • rhynchocephalian — belonging or pertaining to the Rhynchocephalia, an order of lizardlike reptiles that are extinct except for the tuatara.
  • rhythm and blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • rhythm-and-blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • roentgenotherapy — treatment of disease by means of x-rays.
  • rotary lawnmower — a lawn mower with a single blade attached in the middle that rotates as the mower is moved
  • royal commission — (in Britain) a body set up by the monarch on the recommendation of the prime minister to gather information about the operation of existing laws or to investigate any social, educational, or other matter. The commission has prescribed terms of reference and reports to the government on how any change might be achieved
  • run-time library — (operating system, programming, library)   A file containing routines which are linked with a program at run time rather than at compile-time. The advantage of such dynamic linking is that only one copy of the library needs to be stored, rather than a copy being included with each executable that refers to it. This can greatly reduce the disk space occupied by programs. Furthermore, it means that all programs immediately benefit from changes (e.g. bug fixes) to the single copy of the library without requiring recompilation. Since the library code is normally classified as read-only to the memory management system, it is possible for a single copy of the library to be loaded into memory and shared by all active programs, thus reducing RAM and virtual memory requirements and program load time.
  • safety mechanism — a psychological or physiological response in an individual that protects the individual from harm
  • safety standards — standards prescribed (by a regulatory body, etc) that must be adhered to to ensure a product, event, etc, is safe and not dangerous
  • safety-conscious — conscious of being safe and preventing danger
  • saint-barthelemy — (Saint Bartholomew; Saint Barts; Saint Barths) a resort island in the West Indies, in the Leeward Islands, part of the French department of Guadeloupe. 6900; 8 sq. mi. (21 sq. km).
  • sandstone quarry — a quarry from which sand is extracted
  • save as you earn — (in Britain) a savings scheme which offers a tax-free bonus and allows employees to buy shares in the company they work for at a fixed price
  • schneider trophy — a trophy for air racing between seaplanes of any nation, first presented by Jacques Schneider (1879–1928) in 1913; won outright by Britain in 1931
  • sclerenchymatous — supporting or protective tissue composed of thickened, dry, and hardened cells.
  • seating capacity — the number of people a place can seat
  • second-story man — a burglar who enters through an upstairs window.
  • secondary accent — a stress accent weaker than primary accent but stronger than lack of stress.
  • secondary cancer — a cancerous growth in some part of the body away from the site of the original tumour
  • secondary colour — a colour formed by mixing two primary colours
  • secondary growth — an increase in the thickness of the shoots and roots of a vascular plant as a result of the formation of new cells in the cambium.
  • secondary market — the market that exists for an issue after large blocks of shares have been publicly distributed.
  • secondary modern — Secondary moderns were schools which existed until recently in Britain for children aged between about eleven and sixteen, where more attention was paid to practical skills and less to academic study than in a grammar school.
  • secondary phloem — phloem derived from the cambium during secondary growth.
  • secondary school — a high school or a school of corresponding grade, ranking between a primary school and a college or university.
  • secondary source — next after the first in order, place, time, etc.
  • secondary stress — Engineering. a stress induced by the elastic deformation of a structure under a temporary load.
  • secondary tissue — tissue derived from cambium.
  • security analyst — a person who specializes in evaluating information regarding stocks and bonds.
  • security blanket — a blanket or other familiar item carried especially by a young child to provide reassurance and a feeling of psychological security.
  • security council — the division of the United Nations charged with maintaining international peace, composed of five permanent members (U.S., Russian Federation, France, United Kingdom, and the People's Republic of China) and ten temporary members, each serving for two years.
  • security manager — The security manager of a store is the person responsible for organizing all security in the store and to whom security guards report.
  • security vetting — the process of investigating somebody to establish their trustworthiness
  • sedimentary rock — rock formed from compacted minerals
  • selenomorphology — the study of the lunar surface and landscape
  • self-complacency — pleased with oneself; self-satisfied; smug.
  • self-explanatory — explaining itself; needing no explanation; obvious.
  • self-sovereignty — the quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority.
  • self-sufficiency — able to supply one's own or its own needs without external assistance: The nation grows enough grain to be self-sufficient.
  • send to coventry — to ostracize or ignore
  • sensory overload — being overwhelmed by sights, sounds, etc.
  • service industry — business providing a service
  • seven years' war — the war (1756–63) in which England and Prussia defeated France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Saxony.
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