
15-letter words containing y, n

  • calcined-baryta — Also called calcined baryta, barium oxide, barium monoxide, barium protoxide. a white or yellowish-white poisonous solid, BaO, highly reactive with water: used chiefly as a dehydrating agent and in the manufacture of glass.
  • calcium cyanide — a white or grayish-black compound, Ca(CN) 2, used as an insecticide and rodent poison.
  • calydonian boar — a savage boar sent by Artemis to destroy Calydon, a city in Aetolia, because its king had neglected to sacrifice to her. It was killed by Meleager, the king's son
  • calydonian hunt — the pursuit by Meleager, Atalanta, and others of a savage boar (Calydonian boar) sent by Artemis to lay waste to Calydon.
  • canadian whisky — a blended whisky made in Canada from rye and other grains
  • cancel a policy — If you cancel a policy, you terminate a contract of insurance.
  • canning factory — a building or group of buildings containing a plant assembly where food is sealed in cans or tins to preserve it
  • canterbury bell — a campanulaceous biennial European plant, Campanula medium, widely cultivated for its blue, violet, or white flowers
  • canterbury lamb — New Zealand lamb exported chilled or frozen to the United Kingdom
  • cape chelyuskin — a cape in N central Russia, in N Siberia at the end of the Taimyr Peninsula: the northernmost point of Asia
  • carcinogenicity — any substance or agent that tends to produce a cancer.
  • cardinal system — a system of coding navigational aids by shape, color, and number, according to their positions relative to navigational hazards.
  • cardiopulmonary — of, relating to, or affecting the heart and lungs
  • carry one's bat — (of an opening batsman) to reach the end of an innings without being dismissed
  • carrying charge — the opportunity cost of unproductive assets, such as goods stored in a warehouse
  • cassini-huygens — a NASA-ESA spacecraft launched in 1997 to study Saturn and its moons; Cassini entered orbit around the planet in 2004 and released the Huygens probe which landed on Titan in 2005
  • cauchy sequence — fundamental sequence.
  • celandine poppy — a poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum, of the east-central U.S., having one pair of deeply lobed leaves and yellow flowers.
  • centrosymmetric — having symmetry with a central point
  • ceylon cinnamon — the aromatic inner bark of any of several East Indian trees belonging to the genus Cinnamonum, of the laurel family, especially the bark of C. zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) used as a spice, or that of C. loureirii (Saigon cinnamon) used in medicine as a cordial and carminative.
  • chantilly-sauce — a town in N France, N of Paris: lace manufacture.
  • chao k'uang-yin — (Tʾai Tsu) 927–976 a.d, Chinese emperor 960–976: founder of the Sung dynasty.
  • charlatanically — In a charlatanic manner.
  • charles simonyi — (person)   Microsoft programmer, most famously responsible for Hungarian Notation. Simonyi was born in Budapest in 1948, and for more than a decade was senior programmer at Microsoft in Redmond.
  • charles tiffanyCharles Lewis, 1812–1902, U.S. jeweler.
  • chimney swallow — another name for common swallow
  • chimney-pot hat — a high silk hat; top hat.
  • chinese parsley — coriander leaves used as an herb; cilantro
  • cholangiography — radiographic examination of the bile ducts after the introduction into them of a contrast medium
  • cholecystokinin — a hormone secreted by duodenal cells that stimulates the contraction of the gall bladder and secretion of pancreatic enzymes
  • cholinergically — in a cholinergic manner
  • chronologically — arranged in the order of time: a chronological list of events.
  • chryse planitia — a plain on Mars, the landing site of the Viking I spacecraft.
  • cineangiography — the use of motion-picture recording to trace the passage of dye through blood vessels, for the diagnosis of heart and blood vessel disease
  • cinemicrography — the making of a film through the lens of a microscope
  • cineradiography — the filming of motion pictures through a fluoroscope or x-ray machine.
  • circumambiently — in a circumambient manner
  • city councilman — a member of a city council
  • clinically dead — having no respiration, no heartbeat, and with no contraction of the pupils when exposed to a strong light
  • clock frequency — clock rate
  • coenzymatically — from a coenzymatic point of view
  • coinstantaneity — the act of taking place at exactly the same moment
  • collenchymatous — Relating to collenchyma.
  • combinatorially — in a combinatorial manner
  • command economy — In a command economy, business activities and the use of resources are decided by the government, and not by market forces.
  • commiseratingly — in a manner expressing commiseration
  • common currency — If you say that an idea or belief has become common currency, you mean it is widely used and accepted.
  • common property — property belonging to all members of a community.
  • communicability — capable of being easily communicated or transmitted: communicable information; a communicable disease.
  • communicatively — inclined to communicate or impart; talkative: He isn't feeling very communicative today.
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