
15-letter words containing y, n

  • in/into a tizzy — If you get in a tizzy or into a tizzy, you get excited, worried, or nervous about something, especially something that is not important.
  • in/into ecstasy — If you are in ecstasy about something, you are very excited about it. If you go into ecstasies, you become very excited.
  • inaccessibility — not accessible; unapproachable.
  • inadmissibility — not admissible; not allowable: Such evidence would be inadmissible in any court.
  • inapplicability — (uncountable) The state of being inapplicable.
  • inappropriately — not appropriate; not proper or suitable: an inappropriate dress for the occasion.
  • inauthentically — not authentic: inauthentic Indian jewelry mass-produced in a factory.
  • incalculability — The quality or state of being incalculable.
  • incendiary bomb — a bomb that is designed to start fires
  • inch of mercury — a unit of atmospheric pressure, being the pressure equal to that exerted by a column of mercury one inch high under standard conditions of temperature and gravity: 33.864 millibars. Abbreviation: in. Hg.
  • incommensurably — In an incommensurable manner; immeasurably.
  • incommutability — The quality or state of being incommutable.
  • incomparability — beyond comparison; matchless or unequaled: incomparable beauty.
  • incompatibility — not compatible; unable to exist together in harmony: She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible.
  • inconsiderately — In an inconsiderate manner.
  • inconsolability — not able to be comforted or consoled; disconsolate: She was inconsolable when her son died.
  • inconspicuously — not conspicuous, noticeable, or prominent.
  • incorrigibility — not corrigible; bad beyond correction or reform: incorrigible behavior; an incorrigible liar.
  • indefeasibility — The state or quality of being indefeasible, of being incapable of being defeated.
  • indefectibility — The quality of being indefectible.
  • indefensibility — The quality or state of not being defensible.
  • indemnity cover — cover providing insurance against damage or loss
  • indeterminately — not determinate; not precisely fixed in extent; indefinite; uncertain.
  • indian mulberry — a small tree, Morinda citrifolia, of the madder family, found from India to Australasia, having shiny leaves, white flowers, and fleshy, yellowish fruit, yielding red and yellow dyes.
  • indigestibility — The state of being indigestible.
  • indiscretionary — lack of discretion; imprudence.
  • indisputability — The property of being indisputable.
  • indissolubility — not dissoluble; incapable of being dissolved, decomposed, undone, or destroyed.
  • indistinctively — without distinctive characteristics.
  • indy car racing — a US form of professional motor racing around banked oval tracks
  • ineffaceability — Quality of being ineffaceable.
  • inefficaciously — Without efficacy or effect.
  • ineradicability — the quality of being ineradicable
  • inertial system — a frame of reference in which a body remains at rest or moves with constant linear velocity unless acted upon by forces: any frame of reference that moves with constant velocity relative to an inertial system is itself an inertial system.
  • inexplicability — not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained.
  • inextricability — The condition of being inextricable.
  • infinitesimally — indefinitely or exceedingly small; minute: infinitesimal vessels in the circulatory system.
  • informationally — In an informational manner.
  • infrared galaxy — a galaxy that radiates strongly in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • inhomogeneously — lack of homogeneity.
  • innate immunity — natural bodily resistance to disease
  • inquisitorially — In an inquisitorial manner.
  • insignificantly — Of such extremely small quantity or degree that it is not worth measuring.
  • inspirationally — imparting inspiration.
  • instantaneously — occurring, done, or completed in an instant: an instantaneous response.
  • institutionally — of, relating to, or established by institution.
  • instrumentality — the quality or state of being instrumental.
  • insubordinately — In an insubordinate manner.
  • insubstantially — In an insubstantial manner.
  • insurrectionary — of, relating to, or of the nature of insurrection.
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