
15-letter words containing y, n

  • glen canyon damAdam Clayton, Jr. 1908–72, U.S. clergyman, politician, and civil-rights leader: congressman 1945–67, 1969–71.
  • glycaemic index — an index indicating the effects of various foods on blood sugar. Fast-releasing foods that raise blood sugar levels quickly are high on the index, while slow-releasing foods, at the bottom of the index, give a slow but sustained release of sugar
  • glycogenic acid — gluconic acid.
  • glyconeogenesis — gluconeogenesis.
  • glycuronic acid — glucuronic acid.
  • go on one's way — If you go on your way, you continue with your journey.
  • golden boy/girl — If you refer to a man as a golden boy or a woman as a golden girl, you mean that they are especially popular and successful.
  • good king henry — a European, chenopodiaceous weed, Chenopodium bonus-henricus, naturalized in North America, having spinachlike leaves.
  • good-king-henry — a European, chenopodiaceous weed, Chenopodium bonus-henricus, naturalized in North America, having spinachlike leaves.
  • gorlin syndrome — a rare congenital disorder in which cancer destroys the facial skin and causes blindness; skeletal anomalies can also occur
  • governmentality — (sociology) The organized practices (mentalities, rationalities, and techniques) through which subjects are governed and influenced.
  • gramophonically — in a gramophonic manner
  • grand old party — G.O.P.
  • grand serjeanty — serjeanty in which the tenant rendered services of a personal, honorary nature to the king, as carrying his sword or banner.
  • grandiloquently — speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic.
  • grandstand play — an ostentatious play, as in a sport, overemphasized deliberately to elicit applause from spectators.
  • gravitationally — As a result of the force of gravity.
  • gravity anomaly — a deviation from the normal value of gravity at the earth's surface, caused by density differences at depth, for example those caused by a buried mineral body
  • great synagogue — (according to Jewish tradition) a council of 120 members, established by Ezra, that directed the Jews chiefly in religious matters, c450–c200 b.c., and made significant contributions to the Jewish liturgy and Bible.
  • green with envy — If you say that someone is green with envy, you mean that they are very envious indeed.
  • greenback party — a former political party, organized in 1874, opposed to the retirement or reduction of greenbacks and favoring their increase as the only paper currency.
  • greenbottle fly — any of several metallic-green blowflies, as Phaenicia sericata.
  • grey propaganda — propaganda that does not identify its source
  • griffith-joyner — Florence, known as Flojo. 1959–98, US sprinter, winner of two gold medals at the 1988 Olympic Games
  • gross indecency — sexual offence
  • growth industry — an industry that is experiencing rapid growth
  • guidance system — The guidance system of a missile or rocket is the device which controls its course.
  • gunnery officer — an officer in charge of heavy guns
  • gynandromorphic — (of an organism) Having male and female characteristics.
  • hacking x for y — [ITS] Ritual phrasing of part of the information which ITS made publicly available about each user. This information (the INQUIR record) was a sort of form in which the user could fill out various fields. On display, two of these fields were always combined into a project description of the form "Hacking X for Y" (e.g. ""Hacking perceptrons for Minsky""). This form of description became traditional and has since been carried over to other systems with more general facilities for self-advertisement (such as Unix plan files).
  • hale and hearty — in good health
  • hamersley range — a mountain range in N Western Australia: iron-ore deposits. Highest peak: 1236 m (4056 ft)
  • hard mint candy — a hardened mint-flavoured sweet
  • hardy perennial — a plant that lasts three seasons or more and that can withstand freezing temperatures
  • haulage company — a firm that transports goods by lorry
  • hautes-pyrenees — a department in SW France. 1751 sq. mi. (4535 sq. km). Capital: Tarbes.
  • have a derry on — to have a prejudice or grudge against
  • have a nice day — pleasantry
  • have an eye for — the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.
  • hay conditioner — either of two machines, one designed to crush stems of hay, the other to break and bend them, in order to cause more rapid and even drying
  • hazard analysis — risk assessment
  • heartbreakingly — causing intense anguish or sorrow.
  • heavenly father — a term used to address or refer to God
  • heavy breathing — stertorous breathing or breathing done with difficulty
  • heliocentricity — measured or considered as being seen from the center of the sun.
  • hemadynamometer — An instrument by which the pressure of the blood in the arteries, or veins, is measured by the height to which it will raise a column of mercury.
  • hematoporphyrin — a porphyrin made by treating haemoglobin with acid, used to treat cancer in photodynamic therapy
  • hemicraniectomy — (surgery) The surgical removal of half of the cranium to enable brain surgery; hemicraniotomy.
  • hemodynamically — With regard to hemodynamics.
  • hendecasyllabic — having 11 syllables.
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