
12-letter words containing y, n

  • carnot cycle — an idealized reversible heat-engine cycle giving maximum efficiency and consisting of an isothermal expansion, an adiabatic expansion, an isothermal compression, and an adiabatic compression back to the initial state
  • carolina bay — any of the shallow, usually marshy, oval depressions found in the coastal plains of the eastern U.S. that are heavily forested and have rich soil.
  • carry a tune — to be able to sing in tune
  • carry-on bag — a small bag that is taken inside an aircraft by hand personally by a passenger
  • carryings-on — wild, extravagant, or immoral behavior
  • cartoonishly — in a cartoonish manner
  • cash economy — an economic system, or part of one, in which financial transactions are carried out in cash rather than via direct debit, standing order, bank transfer, or credit card
  • cash payment — an immediate payment in cash
  • cationically — in a cationic manner
  • catty-corner — Something that is catty-corner or kitty-corner from another thing is placed or arranged diagonally from it.
  • censoriously — In a censorious manner.
  • centennially — As part of a centennial.
  • central city — the principal municipality of a metropolitan area, surrounded by suburbs and smaller towns; esp., the crowded, industrial, often blighted area
  • ceremonially — of, relating to, or characterized by ceremony; formal; ritual: a ceremonial occasion.
  • chained lady — the constellation Andromeda.
  • changelessly — In a changeless manner.
  • chemosensory — sensitive to chemical stimuli, as the sensory nerve endings that mediate taste and smell.
  • cherrystones — Plural form of cherrystone.
  • chickahominy — a member of a North American Indian tribe of the Powhatan confederacy that inhabited eastern Virginia.
  • chimney rock — a column of rock rising above the level of the surrounding area or isolated on the face of a steep slope.
  • chimneyboard — a partition or a cover to shut off a fireplace
  • chimneypiece — A chimneypiece is the same as a mantlepiece.
  • chimneysweep — Alternative form of chimney sweep.
  • chinese copy — an exact copy of an original
  • chirurgeonly — in the manner of a surgeon
  • chlorenchyma — plant tissue consisting of parenchyma cells that contain chlorophyll
  • chlorohydrin — any of a class of organic compounds containing a hydroxyl group and a chlorine atom
  • cholinolytic — capable of blocking the action of acetylcholine and related compounds.
  • christianity — Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God.
  • christophany — an appearance or emergence of Christ following his crucifixion
  • chronography — an arrangement of past events
  • chronosystem — A pattern of events and transitions over the course of a person's life.
  • chrysophanol — (organic compound) A chemical compound found in rhubarb.
  • chthonophagy — (disease) Alternative form of chthonophagia.
  • churchianity — loyalty to the church rather than Christianity
  • chylomicrons — Plural form of chylomicron.
  • chymotrypsin — a powerful proteolytic enzyme secreted from the pancreas in the form of chymotrypsinogen, being converted to the active form by trypsin
  • circumbinary — (astronomy) Of, pertaining to, or having an orbit around a binary star.
  • city chicken — pieces of pork or veal that are skewered and breaded, and cooked by braising or baking
  • city company — (in Britain) a corporation that represents one of the historic trade guilds of London
  • city council — a municipal body having legislative and administrative powers, such as passing ordinances and appropriating funds.
  • city edition — an early edition of a daily newspaper on sale locally, usually a later edition than the one sent for out-of-town distribution.
  • city manager — (in the US) an administrator hired by a municipal council to manage its affairs
  • clairvoyance — the alleged power of perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses
  • clairvoyancy — the faculty of clairvoyance
  • clairvoyants — Plural form of clairvoyant.
  • clangorously — In a clangorous manner; ringingly.
  • clap eyes on — to catch sight of
  • clatteringly — With a clattering sound.
  • clay mineral — any of a group of minerals consisting of hydrated aluminium silicates: the major constituents of clays
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