
12-letter words containing y, n

  • body english — a follow-through motion of the body, as after bowling a ball, in a semi-involuntary or joking effort to control the ball's movement
  • body popping — a dance style involving muscular jerking of the upper body
  • body scanner — a machine using X-rays and a computer, used in medicine to look for signs of disease, or in security operations to look for drugs, weapons, etc
  • body-centred — (of a crystal) having a lattice point at the centre of each unit cell as well as at the corners
  • bodyboarding — the sport of surfing using a bodyboard
  • bodybuilding — Bodybuilding is the activity of doing special exercises regularly in order to make your muscles grow bigger.
  • bone density — the degree of compactness of bone
  • bonnyclabber — clotted or curdled milk
  • bounden duty — duty one has a moral obligation to perform
  • brachycranic — having a cranial index of 81.0–85.4.
  • bradykinesia — abnormal slowness of physical movement, esp as an effect of Parkinson's disease
  • bradykinetic — slowness of movement, as found, for example, in Parkinson's disease.
  • bring to bay — to force into a position from which retreat is impossible
  • bronchoscopy — an examination by means of a bronchoscope.
  • bundle buggy — a shopping cart, usually one owned by the shopper rather than one provided by the store.
  • bunny boiler — a person, esp a woman, who is considered to be emotionally unstable and likely to be dangerously vengeful
  • bunny rabbit — rabbit
  • buoyancy aid — a type of usually foam-filled lifejacket designed for use in sports such as canoeing
  • buying group — an association of companies who use their combined purchasing power to achieve the best prices from suppliers
  • buying order — an order to buy a certain security
  • buying power — the amount of services or goods a company, person, group or currency is able to purchase
  • buying spree — the hurried acquisition by a company, of goods, assets, or other companies
  • buying-power — Also called buying power. the ability to purchase goods and services.
  • by all means — You can say 'by all means' to tell someone that you are very willing to allow them to do something.
  • by and large — You use by and large to indicate that a statement is mostly but not completely true.
  • by any means — in any way possible; at all; somehow
  • by reason of — If one thing happens by reason of another, it happens because of it.
  • by the dozen — in large quantities
  • bye-election — a special election, not held at the time of a general election, to fill a vacancy in Parliament.
  • byelorussian — Byelorussian means belonging or relating to Byelorussia or to its people or culture.
  • cable-laying — involved in or connected to the activity of laying cables
  • cachinnatory — Pertaining to loud or immoderate laughter.
  • calendar day — the period from one midnight to the following midnight.
  • caliginosity — darkness
  • call-by-name — (reduction)   (CBN) (Normal order reduction, leftmost, outermost reduction). An argument passing convention (first provided by ALGOL 60?) where argument expressions are passed unevaluated. This is usually implemented by passing a pointer to a thunk - some code which will return the value of the argument and an environment giving the values of its free variables. This evaluation strategy is guaranteed to reach a normal form if one exists. When used to implement functional programming languages, call-by-name is usually combined with graph reduction to avoid repeated evaluation of the same expression. This is then known as call-by-need. The opposite of call-by-name is call-by-value where arguments are evaluated before they are passed to a function. This is more efficient but is less likely to terminate in the presence of infinite data structures and recursive functions. Arguments to macros are usually passed using call-by-name.
  • call-by-need — (reduction)   A reduction strategy which delays evaluation of function arguments until their values are needed. A value is needed if it is an argument to a primitive function or it is the condition in a conditional. Call-by-need is one aspect of lazy evaluation. The term first appears in Chris Wadsworth's thesis "Semantics and Pragmatics of the Lambda calculus" (Oxford, 1971, p. 183). It was used later, by J. Vuillemin in his thesis (Stanford, 1973).
  • calumniatory — of, involving, or using calumny; slanderous; defamatory.
  • calumniously — in a calumnious manner
  • calvin cycle — a series of reactions, occurring during photosynthesis, in which glucose is synthesized from carbon dioxide
  • calycanthemy — the abnormal development of the calyx of a flower into a structure resembling a corolla
  • cam ranh bay — an inlet of the South China Sea, on the SE coast of Vietnam: U. S. military facility during the Vietnam War.
  • canary grass — any of various grasses of the genus Phalaris, esp P. canariensis, that is native to Europe and N Africa and has straw-coloured seeds used as birdseed
  • candy stripe — a pattern of bright stripes of one color against a plain background, used chiefly in fabrics.
  • candygrammar — (language)   A programming-language grammar that is mostly syntactic sugar; a play on "candygram". COBOL, Apple Computer's Hypertalk language, and many 4GLs share this property. The intent is to be as English-like as possible and thus easier for unskilled people to program. However, syntax isn't what makes programming hard; it's the mental effort and organisation required to specify an algorithm precisely. Thus "candygrammar" languages are just as difficult to program in, and far more painful for the experienced hacker.
  • cantillatory — involving chanting or incantation
  • canyoneering — (US) Canyoning, a hybrid outdoor sport involving the traversal of river canyons.
  • cape nordkyn — a cape in N Norway: the northernmost point of the European mainland
  • car industry — the industry concerned with the manufacture and selling of automobiles
  • carbon cycle — the circulation of carbon between living organisms and their surroundings. Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is synthesized by plants into plant tissue, which is ingested and metabolized by animals and converted to carbon dioxide again during respiration and decay
  • cardigan bay — an inlet of St George's Channel, on the W coast of Wales
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