
12-letter words containing u, n, s

  • suit oneself — a set of clothing, armor, or the like, intended for wear together.
  • sukarnoputri — Megawati (ˈmɛɡəˌwɒtɪ). born 1947, Indonesian politician; president of Indonesia (2001–04): daughter of Achmed Sukarno
  • suleiman (i) — 1494?-1566; sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1520-66)
  • sulfadiazine — a sulfanilamide derivative, C 1 0 H 1 0 N 4 O 2 S, used chiefly in the treatment of urinary tract infections, meningitis, and malaria.
  • sulfarsenide — any compound containing an arsenide and a sulfide.
  • sulfonylurea — any of a group of oral drugs, as tolbutamide, that stimulate the pancreas to secrete more insulin, used to treat diabetes
  • sulphadoxine — an antibiotic drug of the sulphonamide group, commonly used in combination with pyrimethamine to treat malaria, and in combination with various drugs to treat certain infections
  • sulphonamide — any of a class of organic compounds that are amides of sulphonic acids containing the group –SO2NH2 or a group derived from this. An important class of sulphonamides are the sulfa drugs
  • sulphonation — the action or process of converting or being converted into a sulphonate
  • sultana cake — a cake that contains sultanas
  • summum bonum — the highest or chief good.
  • sumphishness — stupidity, sulkiness
  • sun umbrella — an umbrella by a chair or table, used for protecting you from the sun
  • sun-drenched — Sun-drenched places have a lot of hot sunshine.
  • sunda strait — a strait between Sumatra and Java, connecting the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. 20–65 miles (32–105 km) wide.
  • sunday paper — a newspaper which is only published on Sundays
  • sunday punch — Boxing. the most powerful and effective punch of a boxer, especially the punch used in trying to gain a knockout.
  • sunnyside up — (of an egg) fried without breaking the yolk or being turned over, with the yolk remaining visible and somewhat liquid inside.
  • sunscreening — the use of sunscreens
  • sunset state — Oregon (used as a nickname).
  • sunshine law — a law requiring a government agency to open its official meetings and records to the general public.
  • super-urgent — compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing: an urgent matter.
  • superannuate — to allow to retire from service or office on a pension because of age or infirmity.
  • supercabinet — a specially-formed cabinet, a select or powerful group of political ministers (cabinet)
  • superconduct — to conduct electricity very efficiently or without resistance, to act as a superconductor
  • supercooling — to cool (a liquid) below its freezing point without producing solidification or crystallization; undercool.
  • supercurrent — an electric current that flows without resistance in a superconducting material.
  • supereminent — of superior eminence, rank, or dignity; distinguished, conspicuous, or worthy of note above others.
  • superevident — extremely or very evident
  • superfrontal — a piece of cloth placed over an altar and frontal and hanging down a few inches over the front of the altar
  • superheating — Superheating of steam is raising its temperature to well above boiling point.
  • superheroine — a woman noted for courageous acts or nobility of character: Esther and other biblical heroines.
  • superkingdom — in some systems of biological classification, either of the two major subdivisions, prokaryote or eukaryote, into which all living organisms can be placed
  • superluminal — appearing to travel faster than the speed of light.
  • supermundane — above and beyond the nature or character of the worldly or terrestrial.
  • supernacular — relating to supernaculum
  • supernaculum — a highly regarded liquor, to be drunk to the very last drop
  • supernatural — of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.
  • superordinal — relating to the superorder
  • superorganic — of or relating to the structure of cultural elements within society conceived as independent of and superior to the individual members of society.
  • supersensory — supersensible.
  • supersensual — beyond the range of the senses.
  • supersession — the act of superseding.
  • superstation — an independent television station whose signal is transmitted by satellite to subscribers on a cable system.
  • superstition — a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.
  • supersurgeon — a highly skilled surgeon
  • supervenient — to take place or occur as something additional or extraneous (sometimes followed by on or upon).
  • supervention — to take place or occur as something additional or extraneous (sometimes followed by on or upon).
  • supplemental — supplementary.
  • supplemented — something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole.
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