
12-letter words containing u, n, s

  • stick around — to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear; stab: to stick one's finger with a needle.
  • stirrup bone — the stapes, one of the three bones of the middle ear
  • stockpunisht — punished by being put in stocks
  • stone bruise — a bruise on the sole of the foot, caused by walking on or striking against a small stone or other hard object.
  • stone curlew — thick-knee.
  • stone-ground — (of wheat or other grain) ground between millstones, especially those made of burstone, so as to retain the whole of the grain and preserve nutritional content.
  • storage unit — rented space to store items
  • stormfulness — the quality or state of being stormful
  • strain gauge — Geology. a type of extensometer designed for geophysical use.
  • stringcourse — a horizontal band or course, as of stone, projecting beyond or flush with the face of a building, often molded and sometimes richly carved.
  • strobe tuner — an electronic instrument tuner that uses stroboscopic light
  • strontium 90 — a harmful radioactive isotope of strontium, produced in certain nuclear reactions and present in their fallout.
  • strophanthus — any of various shrubs or small trees belonging to the genus Strophanthus, of the dogbane family, chiefly of tropical Africa.
  • stubbornness — unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child.
  • stud welding — the semiautomatic welding of a stud or similar piece of metal to a flat part, usually by means of an electric arc
  • studdingsail — a light sail, sometimes set outboard of either of the leeches of a square sail and extended by booms.
  • student body — all the students enrolled at an educational institution.
  • student card — a card verifying somebody's identity as a university student and entitling them to services, discounts, etc
  • student file — a file containing information about each student in a school, college, etc, such as demographic information and information about grades, etc
  • student lamp — a table lamp whose light source can be adjusted in height.
  • student loan — A student loan is a government loan that is available to students at a college or university in order to help them pay their expenses.
  • studiousness — disposed or given to diligent study: a studious boy.
  • stuffing box — a device for preventing leakage of gases or liquids along a moving rod or shaft at the point at which it leaves a cylinder, tank, ship hull, etc.
  • stuffing nut — a large nut that is tightened to compress the packing in a stuffing box
  • stumpknocker — spotted sunfish.
  • stun grenade — a nonlethal grenade which is used to disturb the senses of enemies by its loud noise and its bright light
  • stunt double — someone who performs dangerous stunts in a film in place of an actor
  • stunt flying — the activity or practice of performing stunts in an aeroplane, such as special turns, etc, in the air
  • stunt person — a stunt man or stunt woman.
  • stupefacient — stupefying; producing stupor.
  • stupefaction — the state of being stupefied; stupor.
  • stupefyingly — to put into a state of little or no sensibility; benumb the faculties of; put into a stupor.
  • stupendously — causing amazement; astounding; marvelous: stupendous news.
  • sub-attorney — a lawyer; attorney-at-law.
  • sub-function — the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.
  • sub-industry — the aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product: the automobile industry; the steel industry.
  • sub-religion — a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
  • sub-standard — A sub-standard service or product is unacceptable because it is below a required standard.
  • subabdominal — below or beneath the abdomen
  • subalternant — a universal in relation to a subaltern
  • subalternate — subordinate.
  • subalternity — lower in rank; subordinate: a subaltern employee.
  • subantarctic — of, pertaining to, similar to, or being the region immediately north of the Antarctic Circle; subpolar.
  • subarachnoid — of, relating to, or situated below the arachnoid membrane.
  • subarcuation — a structure that is somewhat arched
  • subcentrally — in a subcentral manner
  • subcommunity — a self-contained community usually within the suburbs of a large urban area.
  • subcomponent — a constituent part; element; ingredient.
  • subconscious — existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond consciousness: the subconscious self. Compare preconscious, unconscious.
  • subcontinent — a large, relatively self-contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent: the subcontinent of India.
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