
14-letter words containing t, u, r, a, c

  • multifactorial — having or stemming from a number of different causes or influences: Some medical researchers regard cancer as a multifactorial disease.
  • multimolecular — (chemistry, physics) Involving multiple molecules.
  • multiracialism — The promotion of a diverse society composed of various races with different cultural backgrounds.
  • nanostructured — Having a nanostructure; a structure designed on the nano scale.
  • nanostructures — Plural form of nanostructure.
  • native country — the country someone is born in or native to
  • natural causes — If someone dies of or from natural causes, they die because they are ill or old rather than because of an accident or violence.
  • nectareousness — the state or quality of being nectareous
  • neutral corner — either of the two corners of the ring not used by the boxers between rounds.
  • nitrobacterium — Any of the several genera of bacteria in soil that take part in the nitrogen cycle, oxidizing ammonium and organic nitrogen compounds to the more soluble nitrite and nitrate.
  • non-altruistic — unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others (opposed to egoistic).
  • non-articulate — uttered clearly in distinct syllables.
  • non-liturgical — of or relating to formal public worship or liturgies.
  • noncirculating — not circulating
  • noncontractual — relating to obligations not expressed in a contract
  • nondocumentary — a film or television programme not reflecting real life
  • nonparticulate — Not particulate.
  • nonspectacular — not spectacular
  • nontherapeutic — of or relating to the treating or curing of disease; curative.
  • nontranslucent — Not translucent.
  • north caucasus — a region in the S Russian Federation in Europe, E of the Black Sea.
  • nostro account — a bank account conducted by a British bank with a foreign bank, usually in the foreign currency
  • nuclear option — the use of or power to use nuclear weapons
  • nuclear winter — the general devastation of life, along with worldwide darkness and extreme cold, that some scientists believe would result from a global dust cloud screening out sunlight following large-scale nuclear detonations.
  • nuclearization — to equip with nuclear weapons; give nuclear capability to: a fear that armed forces on both sides would become nuclearized.
  • nudibranchiate — nudibranch.
  • null character — Computers. a control character representing nothing, with the value of binary zero, but having special meaning when interpreted as text, as in marking the end of character strings.
  • nutraceuticals — Plural form of nutraceutical.
  • occupancy rate — The occupancy rate at a hotel is the number of available rooms that are occupied over a period of time.
  • octave coupler — a mechanism on an organ and on some harpsichords that enables keys or pedals an octave apart to be played simultaneously
  • ocularcentrism — The privileging of vision over the other senses.
  • olfactory bulb — the enlarged terminal part of each olfactory lobe from which the olfactory nerve originates.
  • on the surface — to all appearances
  • ordnance datum — mean sea level calculated from observation taken at Newlyn, Cornwall, and used as the official basis for height calculation on British maps
  • orphans' court — a probate court in certain U.S. states.
  • orthomolecular — being or pertaining to the treatment of disease by increasing, decreasing, or otherwise controlling the intake of natural substances, especially vitamins. Compare megavitamin (def 1).
  • outperformance — The act or state of outperforming.
  • overaccentuate — to accentuate too much
  • overcautiously — in such a way as to be too cautious, wary, or careful
  • overparticular — precise beyond necessity
  • oxidoreductase — any of a class of enzymes that act as a catalyst, some of them conjointly, causing the oxidation and reduction of compounds.
  • pachydermatous — of, relating to, or characteristic of pachyderms.
  • parachute jump — leaping from aircraft with a parachute
  • paralinguistic — of or relating to paralanguage or paralinguistics.
  • parenchymatous — Botany. the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide.
  • parquet circle — parterre (def 1).
  • parti-coloured — having different colours in different parts; variegated
  • partial vacuum — an enclosed space from which part of the air or another gas has been removed.
  • particularized — individualized
  • particularness — the quality of being exceptional or individual
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