
12-letter words containing t, r, o, p

  • night person — a person who prefers to stay up late or who functions best during the nighttime hours.
  • night porter — A night porter is a person whose job is to be on duty at the main reception desk of a hotel throughout the night.
  • nitrophilous — (of plants) growing in soil well supplied with nitrogen
  • nocireceptor — a receptor sensitive to pain
  • non-apparent — readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible: The crack in the wall was readily apparent.
  • non-atrophic — Also, atrophia [uh-troh-fee-uh] /əˈtroʊ fi ə/ (Show IPA). Pathology. a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage.
  • non-computer — a programmable electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Mainframes, desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones are some of the different types of computers. Compare analog computer, digital computer.
  • non-partisan — A person or group that is non-partisan does not support or help a particular political party or group.
  • non-strophic — Also, strophical. consisting of, pertaining to, or characterized by a strophe or strophes.
  • noncorporate — Not corporate.
  • nondescripts — Plural form of nondescript.
  • nonimportant — Not important.
  • nonoperating — Not operating.
  • nonoperative — a person engaged, employed, or skilled in some branch of work, especially productive or industrial work; worker.
  • nonparasitic — Not parasitic.
  • nonpermanent — existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change.
  • nonpetroleum — not containing any petroleum based substance
  • nonpractical — Not practical.
  • nonrepentant — Not repentant.
  • nonspiritual — Not spiritual.
  • normal pitch — relative point, position, or degree: a high pitch of excitement.
  • north platte — a river flowing from N Colorado through SE Wyoming and W Nebraska into the Platte. 618 miles (995 sq. km) long.
  • northern spy — an American variety of red-striped apple that ripens in autumn or early winter.
  • note-perfect — (of a singer or musician) able to sing or play without making any errors
  • nyctitropism — tending to assume at or just before nightfall positions unlike those maintained during the day, as the leaves or flowers of certain plants.
  • obreptitious — having the characteristics of acquiring something by deceitful means
  • obstreperate — to be extremely noisy or to create a resounding din
  • obstreperous — resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.
  • octastrophic — having or containing eight verses or strophes
  • odontography — a treatise regarding the teeth
  • odontophoran — a member of the family Odontophora
  • office party — a party or informal social gathering for all the employees in a particular organization or department
  • offset paper — paper used in a printing method in which the impression is made onto an intermediate surface, such as a rubber blanket, which transfers it to the paper
  • offset press — a printing press used in the offset process, whereby a printing the impression is made onto an intermediate surface, such as a rubber blanket, which transfers it to the paper
  • oil platform — An oil platform is a structure that is used when getting oil from the ground under the sea.
  • oligotrophic — (of a lake) characterized by a low accumulation of dissolved nutrient salts, supporting but a sparse growth of algae and other organisms, and having a high oxygen content owing to the low organic content.
  • on probation — under the supervision of a probation officer
  • on sb's part — If you talk about a feeling or action on someone's part, you are referring to something that they feel or do.
  • on the prowl — to rove or go about stealthily, as in search of prey, something to steal, etc.
  • on the ropes — a strong, thick line or cord, commonly one composed of twisted or braided strands of hemp, flax, or the like, or of wire or other material.
  • oophorectomy — the operation of removing one or both ovaries; ovariectomy.
  • open circuit — a discontinuous circuit through which no current can flow.
  • open cluster — a comparatively young, irregularly shaped group of stars, often numbering up to several hundred, and held together by mutual gravitation; usually found along the central plane of the Milky Way and other galaxies.
  • open slather — to spread or apply thickly: to slather butter on toast.
  • open texture — the failure of natural languages to determine future usage, particularly the ability of predicates to permit the construction of borderline cases
  • open trailer — any dog that barks or bays on the trail of its quarry.
  • open verdict — law: coroner's jury finding
  • open-hearted — unreserved, candid, or frank: open-hearted advice.
  • operatically — of or relating to opera: operatic music.
  • operationism — the doctrine that the meaning of a scientific term, concept, or proposition consists of the operation or operations performed in defining or demonstrating it.
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