
12-letter words containing t, r, o, p

  • introspector — to practice introspection; consider one's own internal state or feelings.
  • ionospherist — Someone who studies the ionosphere.
  • iontotherapy — (medicine) The therapeutic use of iontophoresis.
  • irish potato — potato (def 1).
  • iron pyrites — pyrite; fool's gold.
  • isoperimeter — a figure whose perimeter is equal to that of another.
  • isoperimetry — the study of isoperimeters.
  • job printing — commercial printing of such items as letterheads, circulars, invitations, etc.
  • joking apart — seriously: said to recall a discussion to seriousness after there has been joking
  • joseph brantJoseph (Thayendanegea) 1742–1807, Mohawk Indian chief who fought on the side of the British in the American Revolution.
  • jump shooter — a player skilled at jump shots.
  • katamorphism — metamorphism at or near the earth's surface: breaks down complex minerals into simpler ones.
  • keratoplasty — plastic surgery performed upon the cornea, especially a corneal transplantation.
  • ketone group — the characteristic group occurring in ketones that consists of the carbonyl group attached to two alkyl groups.
  • kinetography — a camera for taking pictures for a kinetoscope.
  • kleptocratic — a government or state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal; rule by a thief or thieves.
  • kourotrophos — (archaeology) a class of Mycenaean terracotta figurines depicting women carrying children.
  • labour party — a political party in Great Britain, formed in 1900 from various socialist and labor groups and taking its present name in 1906.
  • lactoprotein — any protein existing in milk.
  • lahore party — a modern sect, divided into an older group (Qadianis) and a newer group (Lahore party)
  • laparotomies — Plural form of laparotomy.
  • laparotomize — to perform a laparotomy on.
  • leopard moth — a moth, Zeuzera pyrina, having white wings spotted with black and larvae that bore into the wood of various trees and shrubs.
  • lepidopteran — lepidopterous.
  • lepidopteron — any lepidopterous insect.
  • leptospermum — any of various shrubs or trees of the genus Leptospermum, of the myrtle family, native to Australia and adjacent areas and often cultivated as ornamentals in milder climates.
  • liberty pole — Also called liberty tree. American History. a pole or tree, often with a liberty cap or a banner at the top, usually located on a village green or in a market square, used by the Sons of Liberty in many colonial towns as a symbol of protest against British rule and around which anti-British rallies were held.
  • life support — equipment to sustain a patient's life
  • life-support — of or relating to equipment or measures that sustain or artificially substitute for essential body functions, as breathing or disposal of body wastes: Without life-support equipment, the patient might die.
  • lipoproteina — a plasma lipoprotein containing protein and cholesterol, high levels of which are associated with atherosclerosis.
  • lipoproteins — Plural form of lipoprotein.
  • lithographed — Simple past tense and past participle of lithograph.
  • lithographer — a person who works at lithography.
  • lithographic — Of, relating to, or produced by lithography.
  • lithospermum — any annual or perennial herbs and small shrubs of the genus lithospermum, of the borage family, native to Europe, N America, and northern Asia, and having white, blue, or yellow flowers
  • lithospheric — Of or pertaining to the lithosphere.
  • lithotripter — a device used for fragmenting kidney stones with ultrasound waves.
  • lithotriptic — causing the destruction of bladder stones
  • liverpolitan — a native or inhabitant of Liverpool
  • locarno pact — a series of treaties, concluded in Locarno, Switzerland in 1925, between Germany, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The principal treaty, between Germany, France, and Belgium, concerned the maintenance of their existing frontiers, settlement of disputes by arbitration without resort to force, and the demilitarization of the Rhineland. This treaty was guaranteed by the United Kingdom and Italy but was violated when Germany occupied the Rhineland in 1936
  • locker plant — an establishment for storing food under refrigeration, containing lockers for renting to individual users.
  • loop reactor — A loop reactor is a reactor in which the material is pumped round one or more vessels or stages in a continuous process.
  • loop through — loop
  • lophophorate — Of or relating to small aquatic invertebrates belonging to a group of phyla characterized by the possession of lophophores. They include bryozoans, brachiopods, and phoronids.
  • lord provost — the chief magistrate of any of certain large cities in Scotland.
  • loutrophoros — Greek and Roman Antiquity. a water jar, characterized by an elongated neck and flaring mouth, used to carry water for the marriage bath and set on the tomb of a person who had been unmarried.
  • low-spirited — depressed; dejected: He is feeling rather low-spirited today.
  • lower depths — a play (1902) by Maxim Gorki.
  • luteotrophic — affecting the corpus luteum.
  • lycanthropes — Plural form of lycanthrope.
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