
Words containing t, o, s, r, u

6 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • brotus — broadus.
  • grouts — a thin, coarse mortar poured into various narrow cavities, as masonry joints or rock fissures, to fill them and consolidate the adjoining objects into a solid mass.

7 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • abortus — an aborted human fetus, esp one that is less than 12 weeks old or weighs less than 17 oz
  • austro- — Austro- combines with adjectives indicating nationality to form adjectives which describe something connected with Austria and another country.
  • authors — a person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of a literary work, as distinguished from a compiler, translator, editor, or copyist.
  • dourest — sullen; gloomy: The captain's dour look depressed us all.
  • dustoor — a Parsee chief priest.

8 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • adjustor — a person or thing that adjusts.
  • apterous — (of insects) without wings, as silverfish and springtails
  • asarotum — (in ancient Roman architecture) a painted pavement.
  • bistoury — a long surgical knife with a narrow blade
  • burstone — any of various siliceous rocks used for millstones.

9 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • abortuses — immature placental or fetal tissue prematurely passed or curetted.
  • acusector — a needle for cutting tissue by means of a high-frequency electric current.
  • anestrous — not showing estrus.
  • angostura — the bitter, aromatic bark of either of two South American citrus trees, Galipea officinalis or G. cusparia, used in medicine and in the preparation of liqueurs and bitters.
  • anoestrus — a period of sexual inactivity between two periods of oestrus in many mammals

10 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • absolutory — giving absolution.
  • accusatory — An accusatory look, remark, or tone of voice suggests blame or criticism.
  • acquisitor — a person who has a tendency to acquire (information or ideas), or a desire to possess
  • adulterous — An adulterous relationship is a sexual relationship between a married person and someone they are not married to. An adulterous person is someone who commits adultery.
  • afterhours — occurring, engaged in, or operating after the normal or legal closing time for business: an after-hours drinking club.

11 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • achromatous — having little or no colour or less than is normal
  • acquisitory — tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions, etc.: our acquisitive impulses; acquisitive societies.
  • adventurous — Someone who is adventurous is willing to take risks and to try new methods. Something that is adventurous involves new things or ideas.
  • aeronautics — Aeronautics is the science of designing and building aeroplanes.
  • after-hours — You use after-hours to describe activities which happen after the end of the usual time for them.

12 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • accusatorial — containing or implying blame or strong criticism
  • acoustimeter — a portable electronic device for measuring noise levels, especially those of traffic.
  • alto-stratus — a cloud of a class characterized by a generally uniform gray sheet or layer, lighter in color than nimbostratus and darker than cirrostratus: of medium altitude, about 8000–20,000 feet (2450–6100 meters).
  • ambidextrous — Someone who is ambidextrous can use both their right hand and their left hand equally skilfully.
  • ambisextrous — Informal. sexually attracted to both sexes; bisexual. used by or suitable for either sex; unisex: ambisextrous hair styles.

13 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • accouterments — personal clothing, accessories, etc.
  • accoutrements — all the things you have with you when you travel or take part in a particular activity, such as clothing and equipment
  • adder's-mouth — any of various orchids of the genus Malaxis that occur in all parts of the world except Australia and New Zealand and have small usually greenish flowers
  • adventuresome — Adventuresome means the same as adventurous.
  • adventurously — inclined or willing to engage in adventures; enjoying adventures.

14 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • adder's-tongue — any of several terrestrial ferns of the genus Ophioglossum, esp O. vulgatum, that grow in the N hemisphere and have a spore-bearing body that sticks out like a spike from the leaf: family Ophioglossaceae
  • africanthropus — a genus of hominids of eastern Africa, assumed from a number of now lost skull fragments to have been a form of archaic Homo : no longer in technical use.
  • air-to-surface — launched from an aircraft and directed at a land target
  • amaranthaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Amaranthaceae (or Amarantaceae), a family of tropical and temperate herbaceous or shrubby flowering plants that includes the amaranths and cockscomb
  • ambisinistrous — clumsy or unskillful with both hands.

15 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • acoustoelectric — electroacoustic.
  • adventurousness — the quality of being adventurous
  • agranulocytosis — a serious and sometimes fatal illness characterized by a marked reduction of leucocytes, usually caused by hypersensitivity to certain drugs
  • agro-industrial — the large-scale production, processing, and packaging of food using modern equipment and methods.
  • air-superiority — designating a fighter aircraft built for long patrol capability at high altitudes and supersonic speeds, with air-to-air combat as its principal mission.

16 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • acculturationist — a person who studies the process of acculturation.
  • aerotherapeutics — the treatment of disease by the use of air, esp. by exposing patients to changes in atmospheric pressure
  • anglo-australian — belonging, relating to, or involving England and Australia, or the people of the two countries.
  • anthropomorphous — shaped like a human being
  • anti-consumerism — a modern movement for the protection of the consumer against useless, inferior, or dangerous products, misleading advertising, unfair pricing, etc.

17 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • acoustoelectronic — denoting a device in which electronic signals are converted into acoustic waves, esp in delay lines, etc
  • aristolochiaceous — belonging to the Aristolochiaceae, the birthwort family of plants.
  • ashton-under-lyne — a town in NW England, in Tameside unitary authority, Greater Manchester. Pop: 43 236 (2001)
  • australopithecine — any of various extinct apelike primates of the genus Australopithecus and related genera, remains of which have been discovered in southern and E Africa. Some species are estimated to be over 4.5 million years old
  • authoritativeness — having due authority; having the sanction or weight of authority: an authoritative opinion.

18 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • agro-industrialize — to industrialize the agriculture of: to agro-industrialize a developing nation.
  • bachelor's-buttons — any of various plants of the daisy family with button-like flower heads
  • battleground-state — a state of the U.S. in which the Democratic and Republican candidates both have a good chance of winning and that is considered key to the outcome of a presidential election: the swing states of Ohio and Indiana.
  • bioinstrumentation — the use of instruments, as sensors, to detect and measure certain body functions, as of persons in spaceflight, and transmit the data to a point where it is evaluated
  • bullnose-stretcher — Also called bullnose stretcher. a brick having one of the edges along its length rounded for laying as a stretcher in a sill or the like.

19 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • autotransplantation — autograft.
  • convergent-sequence — an infinite sequence, x 1 , x 2 , …, whose terms are points in Ek, in which there exists a point y such that the limit as n goes to infinity of xn = y if and only if for every ε>0, there exists a number N such that i > N and j > N implies | xi − xj |< ε. Also called Cauchy sequence, convergent sequence. Compare complete (def 10b).
  • counter-advertising — the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc.: to get more customers by advertising.
  • counter-proposition — a proposition made in place of or in opposition to a preceding one.
  • countertransference — in psychotherapy, transference in which the psychoanalyst or other psychotherapist substitutes the client for the original object of his or her own repressed impulses

20 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • hydrodesulfurization — desulfurization by catalytic agents of the sulfur-rich hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum or the like during cracking or hydrocracking.
  • immunohistochemistry — the application of immunologic techniques to the chemical analysis of cells and tissues.
  • keratoconjunctivitis — inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva.
  • lymphogranulomatosis — widespread infectious granuloma of the lymphatic system.

21 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • immunoelectrophoresis — a technique for the separation and identification of mixtures of proteins, consisting of electrophoresis followed by immunodiffusion.
  • lotus-of-the-true-law — a Mahayana sutra, forming with its references to Amida and the Bodhisattvas the basis for the doctrine that there is something of Buddha in everyone, so that salvation is universally available: a central text of Mahayana Buddhism.

22 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • agro-industrialization — to industrialize the agriculture of: to agro-industrialize a developing nation.
  • carboxymethylcellulose — a white, water-soluble polymer derived from cellulose, used as a coating and sizing for paper and textiles, a stabilizer for various foods, and an appetite suppressor.

23 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • alpes-de-haute-provence — a department of SE France in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region. Capital: Digne. Pop: 144 508 (2003 est). Area: 6988 sq km (2725 sq miles)
  • communist-international — an international organization (1919–43), founded in Moscow, uniting Communist groups of various countries and advocating the attainment of their ends by violent revolution. Also called Comintern, Communist International. Compare international (def 6).

24 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

27 letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

On this page, we collect all words with T, O, S, R, U. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 9595 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that contains T, O, S, R, U that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

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