
24-letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • (get your) money's worth — If you get your money's worth, you get something which is worth the money that it costs or the effort you have put in.
  • adjustable-rate mortgage — a mortgage that provides for periodic changes in the interest rate, based on changing market condtions. Abbreviation: ARM.
  • affirming the consequent — the fallacy of inferring the antecedent of a conditional sentence, given the truth of the conditional and its consequent, as if John is six feet tall, he's more than five feet: he's more than five feet so he's six feet
  • almost periodic function — a function that repeats its values approximately at almost equally spaced intervals of its domain.
  • ammonium chromic sulfate — chrome alum (def 1).
  • antoine de saint-exupéry — Antoine de [ahn-twan duh] /ɑ̃ˈtwan də/ (Show IPA), 1900–45, French author and aviator.
  • atanasoff-berry computer — (computer)   (ABC) An early design for a binary calculator, one of the predecessors of the digital computer. The ABC was partially constructed between 1937 and 1942 by Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa State College. As well as binary arithmetic, it incorporated regenerative memory, parallel processing, and separation of memory and computing functions. The electronic parts were mounted on a rotating drum, making it hybrid electronic/electromechanical. It was designed to handle only a single type of mathematical problem and was not automated. The results of a single calculation cycle had to be retrieved by a human operator, and fed back into the machine with all new instructions, to perform complex operations. It lacked any serious form of logical control or conditional statements. Atanasoff's patent application was denied because he never have a completed, working product. Ideas from the ABC were used in the design of ENIAC (1943-1946).
  • autism spectrum disorder — any of various disorders, as autism and Asperger syndrome, commonly manifesting in early childhood and characterized by impaired social or communication skills, repetitive behaviors, or a restricted range of interests.
  • auto-erotic asphyxiation — asphyxia caused by intentionally strangling oneself while masturbating in order to intensify the orgasm through reduced oxygen flow to the brain.
  • automatic repeat request — (communications)   (ARQ) A modem error control protocol in which the receiver asks the transmitter to resend corrupted data.
  • autonomic nervous system — the section of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls the involuntary actions of the smooth muscles, heart, and glands. It has two divisions: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic
  • autonomous system number — (networking, routing)   (ASN) Used for routing on the Internet.
  • be a bear for punishment — to be able to withstand much rough treatment; be rugged, tough, determined, etc.
  • bidouilleurs sans argent — (body)   (BSA, French for "Moneyless Hackers") An association which aim is to help computer users who can't afford to buy commercial software. The main purpose of the association is the promotion of free software, and distribution of ex-commercial software. This is clearly an answer to the repressive attitude of the "other" BSA. Among BSA members are Richard Stallman, creator of the GNU project.
  • bring out of one's shell — to help to become less shy and reserved
  • bring someone to justice — If a criminal is brought to justice, he or she is punished for a crime by being arrested and tried in a court of law.
  • british technology group — an organization formed in 1981 by the merger of the National Enterprise Board and the National Research and Development Corporation to encourage and finance technological innovation: privatized in 2000
  • bull information systems — (company)   A multinational I.T. group based in Europe with 21,000 people and operations in more than 85 countries. In 1997, Bull earned revenues of over $4 billion, including over 65% outside of France, its country of origin. The company is ranked as the third largest systems integrator in Europe.
  • but that's another story — You say 'but that's another story' when you have mentioned a subject that you are not going to talk about or explain in detail.
  • butylated hydroxyanisole — Chemistry, Pharmacology. BHA.
  • cellular multiprocessing — (architecture, parallel)   (CMP) The partitioning of processors into separate computing environments running different operating systems. The term cellular multiprocessing appears to have been coined by Unisys, who are developing a system where computers communicate as clustered machines through a high speed bus, rather than through communication protocols such as TCP/IP. The Unisys system is based on Intel processors, initially the Pentium II Xeon and moving on to the 64-bit Merced processors later in 1999. It will be scalable from four up to 32 processors, which can be clustered or partitioned in various ways. For example a sixteen processor system could be configured as four Windows NT systems (each functioning as a four-processor symmetric multiprocessing system), or an 8-way NT and 8-way Unix system. Supported operating systems will be Windows NT, SCO's Unixware 7.0, Unisys' SVR4 Unix and possibly the OS2200 and MCP-AS mainframe operating systems (with the assistance of Unisys' own dedicated chipset).
  • cerebrovascular accident — a sudden interruption of the blood supply to the brain caused by rupture of an artery in the brain (cerebral haemorrhage) or the blocking of a blood vessel, as by a clot of blood (cerebral occlusion)
  • chronic fatigue syndrome — Chronic fatigue syndrome is an illness that is thought to be caused by a virus, and which affects people for a long period of time. Its symptoms include tiredness and aching muscles. The abbreviation CFS is often used.
  • circuit court of appeals — court of appeals (sense 2)
  • compact fluorescent lamp — A compact fluorescent lamp is a small fluorescent lamp (= a tubular light bulb coated with phosphor which produces a bright light) that has a lamp life that is much longer than incandescent lamps.
  • completely regular space — a topological space in which, for every point and a closed set not containing the point, there is a continuous function that has value 0 at the given point and value 1 at each point in the closed set.
  • compressed petroleum gas — a gas liquefied by compression, consisting of flammable hydrocarbons, as propane and butane, obtained as a by-product from the refining of petroleum or from natural gas: used chiefly as a domestic fuel in rural areas, as an industrial and motor fuel, and in organic synthesis, especially of synthetic rubber.
  • computer design language — (language)   An ALGOL-like language for computer design.
  • computer-assisted makeup — pagination (def 4a).
  • congestive heart failure — heart failure characterized by weakness, breathlessness, and abnormal congestion in the circulatory system, esp. in the lungs or lower legs
  • conservation of momentum — the principle that the total linear or angular momentum in any isolated system is constant, provided that no external force is applied
  • consultant paediatrician — a paediatrician who has attained the rank of consultant
  • cooperative multitasking — (parallel, operating system)   A form of multitasking where it is the responsibility of the currently running task to give up the processor to allow other tasks to run. This contrasts with pre-emptive multitasking where the task scheduler periodically suspends the running task and restarts another. Cooperative multitasking requires the programmer to place calls at suitable points in his code to allow his task to be descheduled which is not always easy if there is no obvious top-level main loop or some routines run for a long time. If a task does not allow itself to be descheduled all other tasks on the system will appear to "freeze" and will not respond to user action. The advantage of cooperative multitasking is that the programmer knows where the program will be descheduled and can make sure that this will not cause unwanted interaction with other processes. Under pre-emptive multitasking, the scheduler must ensure that sufficient state for each process is saved and restored that they will not interfere. Thus cooperative multitasking can have lower overheads than pre-emptive multitasking because of the greater control it offers over when a task may be descheduled. Cooperative multitasking is used in RISC OS, Microsoft Windows and Macintosh System 7.
  • curiosity killed the cat — You say 'Curiosity killed the cat' in order to tell someone that they should not try to find out about something which does not concern them.
  • cut a swathe through sth — If a person or thing cuts a swathe through something, they pass through it causing great destruction or change.
  • cut each other's throats — to ruin each other, as by underselling in business
  • decision support systems — (application, tool)   (DSS) Software tools to help with decision support.
  • destructive distillation — the decomposition of a complex substance, such as wood or coal, by heating it in the absence of air and collecting the volatile products
  • dictionary and thesaurus — a dictionary that includes a separate section listing terms with synonyms and antonyms. An online reference site, such as Reference.com, provides immediate electronic access to several dictionaries and a thesaurus as well as to other reference sources.
  • dionysius the areopagite — 1st century a.d, Athenian scholar: converted to Christianity by Saint Paul c50.
  • disturbance of the peace — a malicious and willful intrusion on the peace and quiet of a community or neighbourhood
  • domestic relations court — in some states, a court with jurisdiction over matters involving relations within the family or household, as between husband and wife or parent and child
  • domestic-relations court — court of domestic relations.
  • double overhead camshaft — a pair of overhead camshafts, one to operate the intake valves and the other to operate the exhaust valves. Abbreviation: DOHC.
  • double-crested cormorant — a North American cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus, having tufts of black and white feathers on the sides of the head.
  • ductal carcinoma in situ — a form of breast cancer originating in the breast itself rather than spreading from another site
  • effective number of bits — (hardware)   (ENOB) An indication of the quality of an analog to digital converter. The measurement is related to the test frequency and the signal-to-noise ratio.
  • effective sound pressure — the square root of the mean of the squares of the sound pressures of a sound wave, measured at a given point over a certain time interval.
  • effort adjustment factor — (programming)   (EAF) A term used in COCOMO to calculate a cost driver attribute's effect on a project. It is the product of the effort multipliers corresponding to each of the cost drivers for the project.
  • electromagnetic spectrum — the complete range of electromagnetic radiation from the longest radio waves (wavelength 105 metres) to the shortest gamma radiation (wavelength 10–13 metre)

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