
15-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • microtechnology — technology that uses microelectronics
  • microtunnelling — a technique used to excavate tunnels mechanically for the laying of pipes
  • mignonette tree — henna (sense 1)
  • military police — soldiers who perform police duties
  • minority leader — the party member who directs the activities of the minority party on the floor of a legislative body, as of the U.S. Congress.
  • minority report — a report by a minority of members of a group that disagrees with the official report issued by the group
  • mirror symmetry — symmetry about a plane (mirror plane) that divides the object or system into two mutual mirror images
  • mis-categorized — to arrange in categories or classes; classify.
  • mis-informative — to give false or misleading information to.
  • misappreciation — failure to appreciate something fully or properly
  • misappropriated — to put to a wrong use.
  • misappropriates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misappropriate.
  • misproportioned — Having incorrect or distorted proportions.
  • misrecollection — the act or power of recollecting, or recalling to mind; remembrance.
  • misregistration — the act of registering.
  • mitral stenosis — abnormal narrowing of the mitral valve usually resulting from disease, as rheumatic fever, and obstructing the free flow of blood from the atrium to the ventricle.
  • moderate-income — of or relating to those with a close-to-average income within the overall population.
  • modestly priced — moderately priced; not overly expensive
  • monroe doctrine — the policy, as stated by President Monroe in 1823, that the U.S. opposed further European colonization of and interference with independent nations in the Western Hemisphere.
  • montes riphaeus — a mountain range in the third quadrant of the visible face of the moon.
  • montgomeryshire — a historic county in Powys, in central Wales.
  • montmorillonite — any of a group of clay minerals characterized by the ability to expand when they absorb large quantities of water.
  • moral turpitude — conduct that is regarded as immoral.
  • morale-boosting — A morale-boosting action or event makes people feel more confident and cheerful.
  • morbidity table — A morbidity table is a statistical table that shows the proportion of people that are expected to become sick or injured at each age.
  • more's the pity — If you add more's the pity to a comment, you are expressing your disappointment or regret about something.
  • moreton bay fig — a large Australian fig tree, Ficus macrophylla, having glossy leaves and smooth bark
  • morphine addict — a person who is addicted to the drug morphine
  • mortality table — an actuarial table showing the percentage of persons who die at any given age, compiled from statistics on selected population groups or on former policyholders.
  • mortgage relief — (formerly) a reduction of tax on income being used to pay off a mortgage
  • mortiferousness — deadliness
  • mother superior — the head of a Christian religious community for women.
  • motor insurance — insurance for a motor vehicle such as a car, which provides protection against loss in the event of an accident, theft, etc
  • mountain beaver — a burrowing rodent, Aplodontia rufa, of W North America: family Aplodontidae
  • mountain laurel — any of various ericaceous shrubs or trees of the genus Kalmia, esp K. latifolia of E North America, which has leathery poisonous leaves and clusters of pink or white flowers
  • mountain rescue — search and rescue conducted on a mountain, for example of someone who has fallen, got lost, etc
  • mouthwateringly — In a mouthwatering manner.
  • mules operation — the surgical removal of folds of skin in the breech of a sheep to reduce blowfly strike
  • multiflora rose — a climbing or trailing rose, Rosa multiflora, of Japan and Korea, having hooked prickles and fragrant, dense clusters of flowers.
  • multiple factor — polygene.
  • multiprocessing — the simultaneous execution of two or more programs or instruction sequences by separate CPUs under integrated control.
  • multiprocessors — Plural form of multiprocessor.
  • murder will out — Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)
  • muslim brothers — an organization founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna (1906–49), calling for a return to rigid orthodoxy, the overthrow of secular governments, and a restoration of the theocratic state.
  • name resolution — (networking)   The process of mapping a name into its corresponding address. The Domain Name System is the system which does name resolution on the Internet.
  • nanocrystalline — Of, pertaining to, or composed of nanocrystals.
  • narcotics agent — an undercover agent who provides information to the police about illegal drugs, illegal drug trafficking, and users of illegal drugs
  • narcotrafficker — One who traffics in illegal narcotics.
  • national forest — forested land owned, maintained, and preserved by the U.S. government.
  • native compiler — (programming, tool)   A compiler which runs on the computer for which it is producing machine code, in contrast to a cross-compiler, which produces code for a different computer.
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