
14-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • teleprocessing — computerized processing and transmission of data over the telephone or other long-distance communications systems.
  • tellurous acid — a white, crystalline powder, H2TeO3
  • telomerization — polymerization in the presence of a chain transfer agent to yield a series of products of low molecular weight
  • tenzing norgay — 1914–86, Nepalese mountaineer. With Sir Edmund Hillary, he was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest (1953)
  • teratogenicity — the production or induction of malformations or monstrosities, especially of a developing embryo or fetus.
  • tergiversation — to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
  • tergiversatory — to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminal point — the final destination or station of a bus or rail journey
  • terminological — the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany.
  • terminus a quo — the end from which; beginning; starting point; earliest limiting point.
  • territorialism — a principle or system that gives predominance to the landed classes.
  • territoriality — territorial quality, condition, or status.
  • territorialize — to extend by adding new territory.
  • tertiary color — a color, as brown, produced by mixing two secondary colors.
  • testing ground — place where sth is tested
  • teutonic order — a religious military order founded c1190 in the Holy Land by German crusaders that originally did charitable work among the sick and later fought against the Slavic and Baltic peoples in the eastward expansion of medieval Germany.
  • the archeozoic — the Archean (see phrase under Archean)
  • the charioteer — the constellation Auriga
  • the cordeliers — a political club founded in 1790 and meeting at an old Cordelier convent in Paris
  • the cryptozoic — the Cryptozoic era
  • the depression — the worldwide economic depression of the early 1930s, when there was mass unemployment
  • the federation — the federation of the Australian colonies in 1901
  • the final four — the last four teams remaining in a tournament
  • the lower paid — people who do not earn a lot of money
  • the ordovician — the Ordovician period or rock system
  • the roman rite — the liturgical rite used in the Diocese of Rome
  • the royal mail — the national postal service of the United Kingdom
  • the silk route — an ancient trade route that linked Asia and the countries of the Mediterranean and was followed by Marco Polo when he travelled to Cathay
  • the top thirty — the thirty best-selling pop music recordings at any particular time
  • theocentricity — having God as the focal point of thoughts, interests, and feelings: theocentric philosophy.
  • theodore bilbo — Theodore Gilmore [gil-mawr,, -mohr] /ˈgɪl mɔr,, -moʊr/ (Show IPA), 1877–1947, U.S. Southern populist politician: senator 1935–47.
  • theory of mind — Psychology, Philosophy. the ability to interpret one’s own and other people’s mental and emotional states, understanding that each person has unique motives, perspectives, etc.: People with autism seem to lack theory of mind. Abbreviation: ToM, TOM.
  • therianthropic — being partly bestial and partly human in form.
  • theriogenology — the branch of veterinary medicine encompassing all aspects of reproduction.
  • theriomorphism — the identification of animal characteristics with a supernatural being
  • thermoacoustic — pertaining to a method of cooling using air driven with acoustic power.
  • thermoanalysis — thermal analysis.
  • thermochromism — a phenomenon in which certain dyes made from liquid crystals change colour reversibly when their temperature is changed
  • thermodynamics — the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate.
  • thermoelectric — of, relating to, or involving the direct relationship between heat and electricity.
  • thermojunction — a point of electrical contact between two dissimilar metals across which a voltage appears, the magnitude of which depends on the temperature of the contact and the nature of the metals
  • thermolability — the state of being unstable or subject to transformation or destruction when heated
  • thermomagnetic — of or relating to the effect of heat on the magnetic properties of a substance.
  • thermoperiodic — responding to or affected by periodic differences in temperatures.
  • thermostatting — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thesaurismosis — storage disease.
  • thetford mines — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada: asbestos mining.
  • thorium series — the radioactive series that starts with thorium and ends with a stable isotope of lead of mass number 208.
  • thread rolling — the production of a screw thread by a rolling swaging process using hardened profiled rollers. Rolled threads are stronger than threads machined by a cutting tool
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