
14-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • right of abode — If someone is given the right of abode in a particular country, they are legally allowed to live there.
  • right-to-lifer — someone who supports the right to life of the unborn and opposes abortion, experiments on embryos, etc
  • ripple control — the remote control of a switch by electrical impulses
  • rite of spring — French Le Sacre du Printemps. a ballet suite (1913) for orchestra by Igor Stravinsky.
  • rock partridge — the Greek partridge; Alectoris graeca
  • rocket science — rocketry.
  • roller caption — caption lettering that moves progressively up or across the picture, as for showing the credits at the end of a programme
  • roller-skating — the act of moving on roller skates
  • rolling cutter — A rolling cutter is a drill bit which is often used for drilling hard rock.
  • rolling stones — the. British rock group (formed 1962): comprising Mick Jagger, Keith Richards (born 1943; guitar, vocals), Brian Jones (1942–69; guitar), Charlie Watts (born 1941; drums), Bill Wyman (born 1936; bass guitar; now retired), and subsequently Mick Taylor (born 1948; guitar; with the group 1969–74) and Ron Wood (born 1947; guitar; with the group from 1975)
  • root directory — (file system)   The topmost node of a hierarchical file system.
  • rooting reflex — a reflex in infants in which the head is turned towards any stimulus; used to find the nipple
  • rostrocarinate — a chipped flint with a beaklike shape found in the late Tertiary sediments of Suffolk, England, once thought to have been worked by humans but now known to have been shaped by natural nonhuman agencies.
  • rotary printer — a machine for printing from a revolving cylinder, or a plate attached to one, usually onto a continuous strip of paper
  • route flapping — flapping router
  • rsa encryption — (cryptography, algorithm)   A public-key cryptosystem for both encryption and authentication, invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. Its name comes from their initials. The RSA algorithm works as follows. Take two large prime numbers, p and q, and find their product n = pq; n is called the modulus. Choose a number, e, less than n and relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1), and find its reciprocal mod (p-1)(q-1), and call this d. Thus ed = 1 mod (p-1)(q-1); e and d are called the public and private exponents, respectively. The public key is the pair (n, e); the private key is d. The factors p and q must be kept secret, or destroyed. It is difficult (presumably) to obtain the private key d from the public key (n, e). If one could factor n into p and q, however, then one could obtain the private key d. Thus the entire security of RSA depends on the difficulty of factoring; an easy method for factoring products of large prime numbers would break RSA.
  • rummelgumption — commonsense
  • rummlegumption — common sense
  • run its course — (of something) to complete its development or action
  • run-time error — (programming)   An error in the execution of a program which occurs at run time, as opposed to a compile-time error. A good programming language should, among other things, aim to replace run-time errors by compile-time errors. Language features such as strong typing help. A good program should attempt to avoid run-time errors by, for example, checking that their input data is sensible. Where this is not possible, the program should attempt to detect the error and handle it gracefully rather than just exiting via the language or operating system's default handler. Here again, a good language will make this easy to do (or at least possible). See also abort, core dump, GPF.
  • rutting season — a recurrent period of sexual excitement and reproductive activity in certain male ruminants, such as the deer, that corresponds to the period of oestrus in females
  • s-r connection — stimulus-response connection; the basic unit of learning according to behaviourist learning theory
  • sacred history — history that is retold with the aim of instilling religious faith and which may or may not be founded on fact
  • safety officer — The safety officer in a company or an organization is the person who is responsible for the safety of the people who work or visit there.
  • saint george's — one of the Windward Islands, in the E West Indies.
  • sales director — a professional responsible for directing and managing the sales department of a company
  • sanitary towel — sanitary napkin.
  • sansculotterie — the characteristics of sansculottes
  • saone-et-loire — a department in E France. 3331 sq. mi. (8625 sq. km). Capital: Mâcon.
  • sauropterygian — any of various Mesozoic marine reptiles of the superorder Sauropterygia, including the suborder Plesiosauria.
  • scented orchid — a slender orchid, Gymnadenia conopsea, with fragrant pink flowers carried in a dense spike and having a three-lobed lip; found in calcareous turf
  • schlockmeister — a person who deals in or sells inferior or worthless goods; junk dealer.
  • schoolmistress — a woman who presides over or teaches in a school.
  • scintillometer — a device for detecting and measuring radioactivity, having a crystal scintillator, a photoelectric cell sensitive to the light from scintillations, and an amplifier.
  • sclerotization — the state of being sclerotized.
  • scotch terrier — Scottish terrier.
  • scotch verdict — a verdict of not proven: acceptable in certain cases in Scottish criminal law.
  • scsi reconnect — (hardware)   The ability of a SCSI initiator to initiate new transactions before earlier ones have completed. A target or initiator can disconnect from the bus when it experiences a delay in completing a task so that another device can use the bus. It can reconnect later and complete the task.
  • seaside resort — coastal holiday town
  • secret history — a version of historical events which differs from the official or commonly accepted record and purports to be the true version
  • secret society — an organization, as a fraternal society, the members of which take secret initiation oaths, share secret passwords and rites, and are bound to assist each other.
  • secularization — to make secular; separate from religious or spiritual connection or influences; make worldly or unspiritual; imbue with secularism.
  • securitization — the use of such securities as eurobonds to enable investors to lend directly to borrowers with a minimum of risk but without using banks as intermediaries
  • security video — a video recording taken by a security camera
  • segregationist — one who favors, encourages, or practices segregation, especially racial segregation.
  • selection rule — any of several rules designating allowed transitions between quantum states in terms of the quantum numbers associated with the states.
  • self-assertion — insistence on or an expression of one's own importance, wishes, needs, opinions, or the like.
  • self-direction — the act or an instance of directing.
  • self-formation — the act or process of forming or the state of being formed: the formation of ice.
  • self-important — having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance; pompously conceited or haughty.
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