
8-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • pristane — a colourless combustible liquid
  • pristina — the capital city of Kosovo, S Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro: site of 1389 battle against Turks and center of modern Kosovar (Albanian) separatist movement.
  • privates — belonging to some particular person: private property.
  • prosaist — a person who writes prose.
  • protasis — the clause expressing the condition in a conditional sentence, in English usually beginning with if. Compare apodosis.
  • protista — a taxonomic kingdom comprising the protists.
  • psalmist — an author of psalms.
  • psammite — any sandstone.
  • ptomaine — any of a class of foul-smelling nitrogenous substances produced by bacteria during putrefaction of animal or plant protein: formerly thought to be toxic.
  • ptyalism — excessive secretion of saliva.
  • ptyalize — to induce the flow of saliva
  • puissant — powerful; mighty; potent.
  • pulpital — relating to the pulpit
  • pumicate — to pound or rub smooth with pumice
  • puntilla — (in bullfighting) a short dagger used for cutting the spinal cord of the bull.
  • pupation — to become a pupa.
  • puritans — a member of a group of Protestants that arose in the 16th century within the Church of England, demanding the simplification of doctrine and worship, and greater strictness in religious discipline: during part of the 17th century the Puritans became a powerful political party.
  • putative — commonly regarded as such; reputed; supposed: the putative boss of the mob.
  • rapacity — given to seizing for plunder or the satisfaction of greed.
  • rapidity — a rapid state or quality; quickness; celerity.
  • rasputin — Grigori Efimovich [gri-gawr-ee i-fee-muh-vich;; Russian gryi-gaw-ryee yi-fyee-muh-vyich] /grɪˈgɔr i ɪˈfi mə vɪtʃ;; Russian gryɪˈgɔ ryi yɪˈfyi mə vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1871–1916, Siberian peasant monk who was very influential at the court of Czar Nicholas II and Czarina Alexandra.
  • rathripe — mature or ripe ahead of time
  • reptilia — the class comprising the reptiles.
  • sahaptin — a member of an American Indian people of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
  • salt pit — a pit where salt is obtained.
  • saponite — a clay mineral, hydrous magnesium aluminum silicate, belonging to the montmorillonite group: found as a soft filling in rock cavities.
  • sapphist — a lesbian
  • sappiest — abounding in sap, as a plant.
  • satinpod — either of two European plants belonging to the genus Lunaria, of the mustard family, L. annua or L. rediviva, cultivated for their shiny flowers and large, round, flat, satiny pods.
  • scotopia — vision in dim light (opposed to photopia).
  • septaria — a concretionary nodule or mass, usually of calcium carbonate or of argillaceous carbonate of iron, traversed within by a network of cracks filled with calcite and other minerals.
  • septical — septic
  • septimal — of or based on the number seven.
  • shipmate — a person who serves with another on the same vessel.
  • sidepath — a minor path
  • site map — A site map is a plan of a website showing what is on it and providing links to the different sections.
  • snakepit — a pit filled with snakes
  • sparsity — thinly scattered or distributed: a sparse population.
  • spartina — a ricegrass which grows in salt marshes
  • speciate — to form or develop into a new biological species
  • spiccato — (of violin music) performed with short, abrupt, rebounding motions of the bow.
  • spirated — twisted in a spiral
  • spitball — a small ball or lump of chewed paper used as a missile.
  • spithead — a roadstead off the S coast of England between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.
  • spoliate — to rob, plunder, or despoil
  • stapelia — any of various plants of the genus Stapelia, of the milkweed family, native to southern Africa, having short, fleshy, leafless stems, and flowers that are oddly colored or mottled and in most species emit a fetid, carrionlike odor.
  • stapling — a principal raw material or commodity grown or manufactured in a locality.
  • starlisp — *LISP
  • starship — a spaceship designed for intergalactic travel.
  • steapsin — the lipase present in pancreatic juice.
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