
8-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • penutian — a group of American Indian language families of central and coastal California, including Wintu, Maidu, Yokuts, Miwok, and Costanoan, thought to be descendants of a single protolanguage spoken at a remote period.
  • perianth — the envelope of a flower, whether calyx or corolla or both.
  • pertains — to have reference or relation; relate: documents pertaining to the lawsuit.
  • perviate — to enter, bore into, or run through
  • peshitta — the principal Syriac version of the Bible.
  • petaline — pertaining to or resembling a petal.
  • petalism — a form of expulsion that typically lasted for five years and was dealt to those who were seen to have treacherous aspirations and objectives and was carried out in Syracuse in Ancient Greece
  • petalite — a mineral, lithium aluminum silicate, Li(AlSi 4 O 1 0), occurring in colorless or white foliated masses: an important source of lithium.
  • petaloid — having the form or appearance of a petal.
  • petavius — a walled plain in the fourth quadrant of the face of the moon: about 100 miles (160 km) in diameter from crest to crest.
  • petechia — a minute, round, nonraised hemorrhage in the skin or in a mucous or serous membrane.
  • petiolar — of, relating to, or growing from a petiole.
  • phaistos — an ancient city in S central Crete: site of Minoan palace; Linear A tablets and important pottery objects unearthed here.
  • photinia — any of various trees or shrubs belonging to the genus Photinia, of the rose family, having clusters of small white flowers and red, berrylike fruit.
  • photopia — vision in bright light (opposed to scotopia).
  • phreatic — noting or pertaining to ground water.
  • phthalic — of or derived from phthalic acid.
  • phthalin — any of a group of compounds obtained by the reduction of the phthaleins.
  • pianette — a small upright piano.
  • picrated — containing picrate
  • pictural — a picture
  • pie cart — a mobile van selling warmed-up food and drinks
  • pieplant — the edible rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum.
  • pilaster — a shallow rectangular feature projecting from a wall, having a capital and base and usually imitating the form of a column.
  • pileated — crested.
  • pillaret — a small pillar.
  • pilotage — the process of directing the movement of a ship or aircraft by visual or electronic observations of recognizable landmarks.
  • pilotman — a railway worker who directed trains through hazardous stretches of track
  • pinaster — a species of pyramid-shaped pine, Pinus pinaster, growing in southern Europe and having clustered needles.
  • pinatuboMount, an active volcano on the island of Luzon, in the Philippines. 4875 feet (1486 meters).
  • pine tar — a very viscid, blackish-brown liquid having an odor resembling that of turpentine, obtained by the destructive distillation of pine wood, used in paints, roofing, soaps, and, medicinally, for skin infections.
  • pink tea — a formal tea or reception.
  • pinnati- — pinnate or pinnately
  • pinotage — a red grape variety of South Africa, a cross between the Pinot Noir and the Hermitage
  • pintable — a pinball machine
  • pirating — a person who robs or commits illegal violence at sea or on the shores of the sea.
  • piscator — fisherman.
  • pistache — the nut of a Eurasian tree, Pistacia vera, of the cashew family, containing an edible, greenish kernel.
  • pit-sawn — (of timber, esp formerly) sawn into planks by hand in a saw-pit
  • pitahaya — any of several cacti of the genus Lemaireocereus and related genera, of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico, bearing edible fruit.
  • pitcairn — British island in Polynesia, in the South Pacific: 1.8 sq mi (4.6 sq km); pop. 54
  • pitchman — an itinerant vendor of small wares that are usually carried in a case with collapsible legs, allowing it to be set up or removed quickly.
  • pith ray — medullary ray.
  • pithball — a small ball of pith suspended on a thread inside an early type of electroscope that would indicate the presence and strength of electric charge in an object near or touching it
  • pitiable — evoking or deserving pity; lamentable: pitiable, homeless children.
  • pitiably — evoking or deserving pity; lamentable: pitiable, homeless children.
  • pittacus — c650–570 b.c, democratic statesman and reformer from Mytilene.
  • pittance — a small amount or share.
  • pivotman — a pivot (def 7b).
  • pixelate — in computer graphics and digital photography, to cause (an image) to break up into pixels, as by overenlarging the image: When enlarging a photograph, first increase the resolution to avoid pixelating it.
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