
15-letter words containing t, e, s, c

  • straight ticket — a ballot on which all votes have been cast for candidates of the same party.
  • straight-backed — having a straight, usually high, back: a straight-backed chair.
  • straining piece — (in a queen-post roof) a horizontal beam uniting the tops of the two queen posts, and resisting the thrust of the roof.
  • street accident — a traffic accident
  • streptobacillus — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
  • stress fracture — a hairline crack in a bone, especially of a foot or leg, caused by repeated or prolonged stress and often occurring in runners, dancers, and soldiers (march fracture)
  • stretch a point — a sharp or tapering end, as of a dagger.
  • stretcher party — a group of stretcher bearers and the stretchers they are carrying
  • strike it lucky — to have some good luck
  • striking circle — the semicircular area in front of each goal, which an attacking player must have entered before scoring a goal
  • structural gene — cistron.
  • student council — a representative body composed chiefly of students chosen by their classmates to organize social and extracurricular activities and to participate in the government of a school or college.
  • student teacher — a student who is studying to be a teacher and who, as part of the training, observes classroom instruction or does closely supervised teaching in an elementary or secondary school.
  • studio audience — spectators on a TV set
  • styloid process — a long, spinelike process of a bone, especially the projection from the base of the temporal bone.
  • sub-post office — (in Britain) a post office run by a sub-postmaster or sub-postmistress as a self-employed agent for the Post Office
  • subcontraoctave — the octave below the contraoctave, which is three octaves below the middle C octave on a standard keyboard
  • subduction zone — an act or instance of subducting; subtraction or withdrawal.
  • subintellection — an implication that is more or less understood
  • subintelligence — below average intelligence
  • subject catalog — a catalog having entries listed by subject only.
  • subject heading — a title or heading of a category, esp in a bibliography or index
  • subject pronoun — pronoun in nominative case
  • subject-raising — a rule that moves the subject of a complement clause into the clause in which it is embedded, as in the derivation of He is likely to be late from It is likely that he will be late
  • substance abuse — long-term, pathological use of alcohol or drugs, characterized by daily intoxication, inability to reduce consumption, and impairment in social or occupational functioning; broadly, alcohol or drug addiction.
  • subtrochanteric — Anatomy. either of two knobs at the top of the femur, the greater on the outside and the lesser on the inside, serving for the attachment of muscles between the thigh and pelvis.
  • succedent house — any of the four houses that fall between the angular and cadent houses: the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses, which correspond, respectively, to possessions and values, love and creation, shared possessions and resources, and friends and social concerns.
  • succes d'estime — success won by reason of merit and critical respect rather than by popularity.
  • suck it and see — to try something to find out what it is, what it is like, or how it works
  • suicide attempt — bid to kill oneself
  • sulfite process — a process for making wood pulp by digesting wood chips in an acid liquor consisting of sulfurous acid and a salt, usually calcium bisulfite.
  • summer solstice — the solstice on or about June 21st that marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • super-committee — a committee with members from two or more organizations or political groups
  • super-efficient — performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry; competent; capable: a reliable, efficient assistant.
  • superbureaucrat — an important or highly powerful bureaucrat
  • superconvenient — highly convenient
  • superexcitation — the act of exciting.
  • superintendence — a district or place under a superintendent.
  • superintendency — a district or place under a superintendent.
  • superplasticity — the phenomenon, exhibited by certain metals and alloys usually at high temperatures, of stretching to extreme lengths without breaking
  • superspecialist — a highly skilled specialist
  • surface density — quantity, as of electric charge, per unit surface area.
  • surface tension — the elasticlike force existing in the surface of a body, especially a liquid, tending to minimize the area of the surface, caused by asymmetries in the intermolecular forces between surface molecules.
  • surge protector — a small device to protect a computer, telephone, television set, or the like from damage by high-voltage electrical surges.
  • surgical strike — a military action designed to destroy a particular target without harming other people or damaging other buildings near it
  • sweet chocolate — cocoa product with high sugar content
  • symmetric group — the group of all permutations of a finite set.
  • sympathetectomy — sympathectomy.
  • sympathetic ink — a fluid for producing writing that is invisible until brought out by heat, chemicals, etc.; invisible ink.
  • sympathetically — characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: a sympathetic listener.
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