
15-letter words containing t, e, s, c

  • side impact bar — A side impact bar is a long beam in a car door that is designed to protect passengers during a crash.
  • significatively — serving to signify.
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple fracture — a fracture in which the bone does not pierce the skin.
  • simple sentence — a sentence having only one clause, as I saw her the day before yesterday.
  • simplicidentate — belonging or pertaining to the Simplicidentata, formerly regarded as a suborder or division of rodents having only one pair of upper incisor teeth.
  • singing teacher — a teacher who gives instruction in how to sing
  • single-cut file — a file with teeth in one direction only: used for filing soft material
  • sister of mercy — a member of a congregation of sisters founded in Dublin in 1827 by Catherine McAuley (1787–1841) and engaged chiefly in works of spiritual and corporal mercy.
  • situs picketing — common situs picketing.
  • slap and tickle — sexual play
  • slashdot effect — a temporary surge in the numbers visiting a website and consequent service slowdown or even server crash that sometimes arises as a result of a new link being set up from a more popular website
  • sled cultivator — go-devil (def 5).
  • slide projector — device for showing slides
  • smoking-concert — a concert where smoking is allowed.
  • snowball effect — a process of continuously accelerating change in size, importance, etc
  • social benefits — the social welfare provision made available to those in need
  • social democrat — a person who advocates a gradual transition to socialism or a modified form of socialism by and under democratic political processes.
  • social distance — the extent to which individuals or groups are removed from or excluded from participating in one another's lives.
  • social heritage — the entire inherited pattern of cultural activity present in a society.
  • social movement — a group of diffusely organized people or organizations striving toward a common goal relating to human society or social change, or the organized activities of such a group: The push for civil rights was a social movement that peaked in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • social register — a directory or list of people prominent in the fashionable society of a given area
  • social security — (usually initial capital letters) a program of old-age, unemployment, health, disability, and survivors insurance maintained by the U.S. federal government through compulsory payments by specific employer and employee groups.
  • society islands — a group of islands in the S Pacific: administratively part of French Polynesia; consists of the Windward Islands and the Leeward Islands; became a French protectorate in 1843 and a colony in 1880. Pop: 214 445 (2002). Area: 1595 sq km (616 sq miles)
  • sociocentricity — socially oriented.
  • socratic method — the use of questions, as employed by Socrates, to develop a latent idea, as in the mind of a pupil, or to elicit admissions, as from an opponent, tending to establish a proposition.
  • sodium chlorate — a colorless, water-soluble solid, NaClO 3 , cool and salty to the taste, used chiefly in the manufacture of explosives and matches, as a textile mordant, and as an oxidizing and bleaching agent.
  • sodium citrates — the sodium salts of citric acid (monosodium citrate, disodium citrate, trisodium citrate)
  • sodium silicate — a substance having the general formula, Na2O.xSiO2, where x varies between 3 and 5, existing as an amorphous powder or present in a usually viscous aqueous solution
  • soft-focus lens — a lens designed to produce an image that is uniformly very slightly out of focus: typically used for portrait work
  • soft-shell clam — an edible clam, Mya arenaria, inhabiting waters along both coasts of North America, having an oval, relatively thin, whitish shell.
  • soft-shell crab — a crab, especially the blue crab, that has recently molted and therefore has a soft, edible shell.
  • solar collector — any of numerous devices or systems designed to capture and use solar radiation for heating air or water and for producing steam to generate electricity.
  • solenoid switch — A solenoid switch is an electrical switch that is often used where a high current circuit, such as a starter motor circuit, is brought into operation by a low current switch.
  • solid injection — injection of fuel into an internal-combustion engine without an air blast.
  • somatic therapy — any of a group of treatments presumed to act on biological factors leading to mental illness.
  • sonnet sequence — a group of sonnets composed by one poet and having a unifying theme or subject.
  • sophisticatedly — (of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive: a sophisticated young socialite; the sophisticated eye of an experienced journalist.
  • sound recordist — recordist.
  • sounding rocket — a rocket equipped with instruments for making meteorological observations in the upper atmosphere.
  • source document — a document that has been or will be transcribed to a word processor or to the memory bank of a computer
  • source material — original, authoritative, or basic materials utilized in research, as diaries or manuscripts.
  • south china sea — a part of the W Pacific, bounded by SE China, Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and the Philippines.
  • southern gothic — a literary genre depicting life in the southern US and featuring grotesque themes and imagery
  • space character — a keyed space in text or data
  • space scientist — an expert or specialist in any of the various science fields which relate to space flight or any phenomena occurring in space or on other planets. This would include for example such fields as Astronautics, Astrophysics, or Galactic Science
  • space telescope — a satellite put in orbit around the earth and equipped with an extremely accurate reflecting telescope, cameras, etc.: it is designed to relay astronomical data to the earth
  • special edition — newspaper, magazine: extra issue
  • special effects — Usually, special effects. a video or audio illusion in film or other media, created with computer-generated images, prosthetic makeup, pyrotechnics, etc.
  • special feature — an article differing from the normal format and focusing on a particular topic
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