
8-letter words containing t, a, r, e

  • teucrian — of or relating to the ancient Trojans.
  • tevatron — an accelerator in which protons or antiprotons are raised to energies of a few trillion electron-volts.
  • textuary — of or relating to a text; textual.
  • textural — the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface: rough texture.
  • thalberg — Irving (Grant) 1899–1936, U.S. motion-picture producer.
  • thatcher — Margaret (Hilda) 1925–2013, British political leader: prime minister 1979–90.
  • the arts — imaginative, creative, and nonscientific branches of knowledge considered collectively, esp as studied academically
  • the bardWilliam ("the Bard"; "the Bard of Avon") 1564–1616, English poet and dramatist.
  • the bear — the constellation Ursa Major or Ursa Minor
  • the crab — the constellation Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac
  • the harp — the constellation Lyra
  • the mark — the middle of the stomach at or above the line made by the boxer's trunks
  • the park — a soccer pitch
  • the rack — an instrument of torture that stretched the body of the victim
  • the real — that which exists in fact; reality
  • the road — all the cities and towns visited by touring theatrical companies, musicians, etc.
  • the yard — Scotland Yard
  • thearchy — the rule or government of God or of a god.
  • theatral — of or relating to the theatre
  • theatric — of or relating to the theater or dramatic presentations: theatrical performances.
  • theocrat — a person who rules, governs as a representative of God or a deity, or is a member of the ruling group in a theocracy, as a divine king or a high priest.
  • theodora — a.d. 508–548, Byzantine empress: consort of Justinian I.
  • thermals — Also, thermic. of, relating to, or caused by heat or temperature: thermal capacity.
  • thermate — a mixture of thermite and other oxidizing agents used as filling for incendiary munitions.
  • thiourea — a colorless, crystalline, bitter-tasting, water-soluble solid, CH 4 N 2 S, derived from urea by replacement of the oxygen with sulfur: used chiefly in photography, inorganic synthesis, and to accelerate the vulcanization of rubber.
  • thirlage — an obligation imposed upon tenants of certain lands requiring them to have their grain ground at a specified mill
  • thoraces — Anatomy. the part of the trunk in humans and higher vertebrates between the neck and the abdomen, containing the cavity, enclosed by the ribs, sternum, and certain vertebrae, in which the heart, lungs, etc., are situated; chest.
  • thralled — a person who is in bondage; slave.
  • thrapple — the throat or windpipe
  • thrashed — to beat soundly in punishment; flog.
  • thrasher — a person or thing that thrashes.
  • threaded — interwoven or ornamented with threads: silk threaded with gold.
  • threaden — relating to something that is composed of or made of thread
  • threated — a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace: He confessed under the threat of imprisonment.
  • threaten — to utter a threat against; menace: He threatened the boy with a beating.
  • thridace — a sedative made from lettuce juice
  • throated — having a throat of a specified kind (usually used in combination): a yellow-throated warbler.
  • tiberian — of or relating to the emperor Tiberius.
  • tiberiasLake. Galilee, Sea of.
  • tidemark — the point that something or someone has reached, receded below, or risen above: He has reached the tidemark of his prosperity.
  • timecard — a card for recording the time at which an employee arrives at and departs from a job.
  • tiresias — a blind prophet, usually said to have been blinded because he saw Athena bathing, and then to have been awarded the gift of prophecy as a consolation for his blindness.
  • tirolean — of, relating to, or characteristic of the Tyrol or its inhabitants.
  • to spare — more than is required
  • tolerant — inclined or disposed to tolerate; showing tolerance; forbearing: tolerant of errors.
  • tolerate — to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit.
  • toleware — articles made of tole.
  • tone arm — the free-swinging bracket of a phonograph containing the pickup.
  • top gear — the highest gear in a motor vehicle
  • topmaker — a wool dealer who specializes in selling wool tops to spinners
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