
8-letter words containing t, a, r, e

  • tearaway — designed to be easily separated or opened by tearing: a box with a tearaway seal.
  • teardown — a taking apart; disassembly.
  • teardrop — a tear or something suggesting a tear: A single teardrop rolled down her face.
  • tearless — not weeping or shedding tears.
  • teenager — a person in his or her teens.
  • telegram — a message or communication sent by telegraph; a telegraphic dispatch.
  • telemark — a turn in which a skier places one ski far forward of the other and gradually angles the tip of the forward ski inward in the direction to be turned.
  • tellural — relating to the earth
  • temesvar — Hungarian name of Timişoara.
  • temirtau — a city in E central Kazakhstan, NW of Karaganda.
  • temporal — of, relating to, or situated near the temple or a temporal bone.
  • tenantry — tenants collectively; the body of tenants on an estate.
  • tenebrae — the office of matins and lauds for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Holy Week, sung respectively on the afternoon of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of that week, at which the Crucifixion is commemorated by the gradual extinguishment of candles.
  • tenurial — the holding or possessing of anything: the tenure of an office.
  • terabyte — 2 40 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes; 1024 gigabytes.
  • teraflop — a measure of processing speed, consisting of a thousand billion floating-point operations a second
  • teraglin — an edible marine fish, Zeluco atelodus, of Australia which has fine scales and is blue in colour
  • teraphim — small images or other things representing household gods, used among ancient Semitic peoples
  • teratism — love or worship of the monstrous.
  • teratoid — resembling a monster.
  • teratoma — a tumor made up of different types of tissue.
  • terawatt — a unit of power equal to one million megawatts
  • terceira — an island in the Azores, in the N Atlantic. 153 sq. mi. (395 sq. km). Capital: Angra do Heroismo.
  • teresian — a member of the reformed order of barefooted Carmelites, founded in Spain in 1562.
  • teresina — a state in NE Brazil. 96,860 sq. mi. (250,870 sq. km). Capital: Teresina.
  • teriyaki — a dish of grilled slices of beef, chicken, or fish that have been marinated in soy sauce seasoned with sake, ginger, and sugar.
  • term day — a fixed or appointed day, as for the payment of money due; a quarter day.
  • terminal — situated at or forming the end or extremity of something: a terminal feature of a vista.
  • ternates — an island in E Indonesia, W of Halmahera: important source of spices. 53 sq. mi. (137 sq. km).
  • terraced — a raised level with a vertical or sloping front or sides faced with masonry, turf, or the like, especially one of a series of levels rising one above another.
  • terraces — unroofed tiers around a football pitch on which the spectators stand
  • terrapin — any of several edible North American turtles of the family Emydidae, inhabiting fresh or brackish waters, especially the diamondback terrapin: some are threatened or endangered.
  • terraria — a vivarium for land animals (distinguished from aquarium).
  • terrazzo — a mosaic flooring or paving composed of chips of broken stone, usually marble, and cement, polished when in place.
  • terrella — a small orb resembling the earth
  • tertiary — of the third order, rank, stage, formation, etc.; third.
  • terzetta — a set of three rhyming lines
  • tesserae — one of the small pieces used in mosaic work.
  • testamur — a certificate proving an examination has been passed
  • testator — a person who makes a will.
  • tetarto- — one fourth part of
  • tetracid — a base or alcohol containing four hydroxyl groups.
  • tetradic — relating to something that has a group of four
  • tetragon — a polygon having four angles or sides; a quadrangle or quadrilateral.
  • tetramer — a molecule composed of four identical, simpler molecules.
  • tetrapla — a book containing versions of the same text in four languages
  • tetrapod — any vertebrate having four limbs or, as in the snake and whale, having had four-limbed ancestors.
  • tetrarch — any ruler of a fourth part, division, etc.
  • tetraxon — a four-pointed spicule
  • tetronal — a sedative drug
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