
18-letter words containing t, a, c, i, e

  • moving bed reactor — A moving bed reactor is a reactor in which a layer of catalyst in the form of granules is moved between a reaction area and a regeneration area.
  • multicast backbone — (MBONE) A virtual network on top of the Internet which supports routing of IP multicast packets, intended for multimedia transmission. MBONE gives public access desktop video communications. The quality is poor with only 3-5 frames per second instead of the 30 frames per second of commercial television. Its advantage is that it avoids all telecommunications costs normally associated with teleconferencing. An interesting innovation is the use of MBONE for audio communications and an electronic "whiteboard" where the computer screen becomes a shared workspace where two physically remote parties can draw on and edit shared documents in real-time.
  • multimedia machine — machines that allow users to control and manipulate sound, video, text and graphics
  • music to your ears — If something that you hear is music to your ears, it makes you feel very happy.
  • musical instrument — music
  • mutual aid society — A mutual aid society is an organization that provides benefits or other help to its members when they are affected by things such as death, sickness, disability, old age, or unemployment.
  • mutually exclusive — of or relating to a situation involving two or more events, possibilities, etc., in which the occurrence of one precludes the occurrence of the other: mutually exclusive plans of action.
  • mutually recursive — recursion
  • national insurance — In Britain, national insurance is the state system of paying money to people who are ill, unemployed, or retired. It is financed by money that the government collects from people who work, or from their employers.
  • natural convection — Natural convection is the loss of heat from a hot solid or liquid into air which is not artificially agitated.
  • natural resistance — natural immunity.
  • naval architecture — the science of designing ships and other waterborne craft.
  • negative cash flow — the situation when income is less than payments
  • neighborhood watch — a neighborhood surveillance program or group in which residents keep watch over one another's houses, patrol the streets, etc., in an attempt to prevent crime.
  • neovascularization — the development of new blood vessels, especially in tissues where circulation has been impaired by trauma or disease.
  • netscape navigator — (networking, tool, product)   /Mozilla/ (Often called just "Netscape") A web browser from Netscape Communications Corporation. The first beta-test version was released free to the Internet on 13 October 1994. Netscape evolved from NCSA Mosaic (with which it shares at least one author) and runs on the X Window System under various versions of Unix, on Microsoft Windows and on the Apple Macintosh. It features integrated support for sending electronic mail and reading Usenet news, as well as RSA encryption to allow secure communications for commercial applications such as exchanging credit card numbers with net retailers. It provides multiple simultaneous interruptible text and image loading; native inline JPEG image display; display and interaction with documents as they load; multiple independent windows. Netscape was designed with 14.4 kbps modem links in mind. You can download Netscape Navigator for evaluation, or for unlimited use in academic or not-for-profit environments. You can also pay for it. Version: 1.0N. E-mail: <[email protected]>.
  • nice little earner — If you describe something as a nice little earner, you mean that it is something that you can make money from easily.
  • nickel-and-dime it — to succeed or obtain something gradually by the repeated expenditure of small sums or the slow gathering of votes, power, money, etc. in small increments
  • nightmare scenario — If you describe a situation or event as a nightmare scenario, you mean that it is the worst possible thing that could happen.
  • nike of samothrace — a Greek marble statue (c200 b.c.) of Nike found at Samothrace and now in the Louvre, Paris.
  • no-fault insurance — Also called no-fault insurance. a form of automobile insurance designed to enable the policyholder in case of an accident to collect a certain basic compensation promptly for economic loss from his or her own insurance company without determination of liability.
  • nobiliary particle — a preposition forming part of a title of nobility or surname, as French de or German von.
  • nocturnal emission — the release of semen during sleep, often during a sexual dream.
  • non-characteristic — Also, characteristical. pertaining to, constituting, or indicating the character or peculiar quality of a person or thing; typical; distinctive: Red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn.
  • non-contextualized — to put (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) in a context, especially one that is characteristic or appropriate, as for purposes of study.
  • non-conversational — able or ready to converse; given to conversation.
  • non-discriminative — constituting a particular quality, trait, or difference; characteristic; notable.
  • non-ecclesiastical — of or relating to the church or the clergy; churchly; clerical; not secular.
  • non-identification — an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified.
  • non-impact printer — a printer that creates images without mechanically impacting the page, as an ink-jet or laser printer.
  • non-reconciliation — an act of reconciling, as when former enemies agree to an amicable truce.
  • nonaggression pact — an agreement between two nations not to attack each other, usually for a specified period of years
  • noninterchangeable — That cannot be interchanged with another.
  • nonintercourse act — the act of Congress (1809) prohibiting all shipping and trade between the United States and British- or French-controlled ports.
  • nonstriated muscle — smooth muscle
  • northeast corridor — the long, narrow strip of land between Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C., containing many adjacent urban areas.
  • nuclear capability — If a country has nuclear capability, it is able to produce nuclear power and usually nuclear weapons.
  • numerical aperture — a measure of the resolving power of a microscope, equal to the index of refraction of the medium in which the object is placed multiplied by the sine of the angle made with the axis by the most oblique ray entering the instrument, the resolving power increasing as the product increases. Abbreviation: N.A.
  • numerical identity — the relation that holds between two relata when they are the selfsame entity, that is, when the terms designating them have the same reference
  • numerical taxonomy — classification of organisms by a comparison of large numbers of observable characteristics that are given equal value instead of being weighted according to possible evolutionary significance.
  • nurse practitioner — a registered nurse who has received special training for diagnosing and treating routine or minor ailments. Abbreviation: NP.
  • nurse-practitioner — a registered nurse who has received special training for diagnosing and treating routine or minor ailments. Abbreviation: NP.
  • nursery facilities — places where young children are looked after
  • oath of allegiance — pledge to one's nation
  • obedience training — the training of an animal, especially a dog, to obey certain commands.
  • object-orientation — object-oriented
  • objective idealism — a form of idealism asserting that the act of experiencing has a reality combining and transcending the natures of the object experienced and of the mind of the observer.
  • objective modula-2 — (language)   (Or "ObjM2") An extension to Modula-2 for Cocoa and GNUstep software development. Objective Modula-2 follows the Objective-C object model and retains the bracketed Smalltalk message passing syntax used in Objective-C. Classes written in ObjM2 can be used within ObjC and vice versa. ObjM2 also retains Modula-2's data encapsulation features, namely nested modules with explicit import and export lists. Due to the strict type checking in Modula-2, ObjM2 can be considered a much safer programming language than is ObjC, yet losing none of the capabilities of ObjC.
  • octachlorobiphenyl — (organic compound) Either of twelve isomers of the polychlorinated biphenyl containing eight chlorine atoms.
  • oedipus at colonus — a tragedy by Sophocles, written toward the end of his life and produced posthumously in 401? b.c.
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